2 змеиная программа на языке Си
Я пытаюсь отобразить 2 змеи в следующей игре для 2 игроков, но терминал показывает только одну змею, есть ли какая-нибудь помощь, как отобразить 2 змеи
Что я уже пробовал:
// #include<stdafx.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include<time.h> #include<ctype.h> #include <time.h> #include <windows.h> #include <process.h> #define UP 72 #define DOWN 80 #define LEFT 75 #define RIGHT 77 #define UP2 119 ///W #define DOWN2 120 ///X #define LEFT2 97 ///A #define RIGHT2 100 /// D int length; int length2; int bend_no; int len; char key; char key2; int life; void record(); void load(); void Delay(long double); void Move(); void Move2(); void gotoxy(int x, int y); void GotoXY(int x,int y); void GotoXY2(int x,int y); void Bend(); void Bend2(); void Boarder(); void Down(); void Down2(); void Left(); void Left2(); void Up(); void Up2(); void Print(); void Food(); int Score(); void Right(); void Right2(); void ExitGame(); int Scoreonly(); int Scoreonly2(); struct coordinate{ int x; int y; int direction; }; typedef struct coordinate coordinate; coordinate head,bend[500],food,body[30],bend2[500],head2,body2[30]; int main() { char key; Print(); system("cls"); load(); length=5; //snake length head.x=25; head.y=20; head.direction=RIGHT; length2=5; head2.x=25; head2.y=20; head2.direction=UP2; Boarder(); Food(); //to generate the initial food blob coordinates life=3; //number of lives the game player have bend[0]=head; bend2[0]=head2; Move(); Move2(); //initializing initial bend coordinate return 0; } void Move() { int a,i; do{ Food(); // fflush(stdin); len=0; for(i=0;i<30;i++) { body[i].x=0; body[i].y=0; if(i==length) break; } Delay(length); Boarder(); if(head.direction==RIGHT) Right(); else if(head.direction==LEFT) Left(); else if(head.direction==DOWN) Down(); else if(head.direction==UP) Up(); ExitGame(); }while(!kbhit()); //if v entr any key othr than arrows thn game vil pause a=getch(); if(a==27) { system("cls"); exit(0); } key=getch(); if((key==RIGHT&&head.direction!=LEFT&&head.direction!=RIGHT)||(key==LEFT&&head.direction!=RIGHT&&head.direction!=LEFT)||(key==UP&&head.direction!=DOWN&&head.direction!=UP)||(key==DOWN&&head.direction!=UP&&head.direction!=DOWN)) { bend_no++; bend[bend_no]=head; head.direction=key; if(key==UP) head.y++; //first it was -- if(key==DOWN) head.y--; //first it was ++ if(key==RIGHT) head.x++; if(key==LEFT) head.x--; Move(); } /* else if(key==27) { system("cls"); exit(0); }*/ else { printf("\a"); Move(); } } void gotoxy(int x, int y) { COORD coord; coord.X = x; coord.Y = y; SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord); } void GotoXY(int x, int y) { HANDLE a; COORD b; // fflush(stdout); b.X = x; b.Y = y; a = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleCursorPosition(a,b); } void load() { int row,col,r,c,q; gotoxy(36,14); printf("HariGameloading..."); gotoxy(30,15); for(r=1;r<=20;r++) { for(q=0;q<=100000000;q++);//to display the character slowly printf("%c",177); } getch(); } void Down() { int i; for(i=0;i<=(head.y-bend[bend_no].y)&&len<length;i++) { GotoXY(head.x,head.y-i); { if(len==0) printf("v"); else printf("*"); } body[len].x=head.x; body[len].y=head.y-i; len++; } Bend(); if(!kbhit()) head.y++; } void Delay(long double k) //delay can also be without any parameter { Score(); long double i; for(i=0;i<=(10000000);i++); } void ExitGame() { int i,check=0; for(i=4;i<length;i++) //starts with 4 because it needs minimum 4 element to touch its own body { if(body[0].x==body[i].x&&body[0].y==body[i].y) { check++; //checks value increases as the coordinates of head is equal to any other body coordinate } // if(i==length||check!=0) // break; } if(head.x<=10||head.x>=70||head.y<=10||head.y>=30||check!=0) { life--; if(life>=0) { head.x=25; head.y=20; bend_no=0; head.direction=RIGHT; Move(); } else { system("cls"); printf("All lives Gone\nBetter Luck Next Time!\nPress any key to quit\n"); record(); exit(0); } } } void Food() { if(head.x==food.x&&head.y==food.y) //head.x=25 head.y=20 in main { //gotoxy(food.x,food.y) in boarder() length++; //if food snake are at same position then length of snake increases by 1 unit // time_t a; // a=time(0); // srand(a); food.x=rand()%70; //rand() is used to generate any random no. so that food gets displayed at random positions and according to //border x cannot be greater than 70 so %70 is used if(food.x<=10) food.x+=11; // position less than according to border x lies between 10 and 70 so if food is at position less than 10 then it is //incremented by some value food.y=rand()%30; if(food.y<=10) //similar to x food.y+=11; } else if(food.x==0) //to create food for the first time { food.x=rand()%70; if(food.x<=10) food.x+=11; food.y=rand()%30; if(food.y<=10) food.y+=11; } } void Left() { int i; for(i=0;i<=(bend[bend_no].x-head.x)&&len<length;i++) { GotoXY((head.x+i),head.y); if(len==0) printf("<"); else printf("*"); body[len].x=head.x+i; body[len].y=head.y; len++; } Bend(); if(!kbhit()) head.x--; } void Right() { int i; //len=0 initialized in Move() for(i=0;i<=(head.x-bend[bend_no].x)&&len<length;i++) { //GotoXY((head.x-i),head.y); body[len].x=head.x-i; //to move the snake forward in right direction body[len].y=head.y; //x changes according to i but y remains same GotoXY(body[len].x,body[len].y); //{ if(len==0) printf(">"); else printf("*"); //} /*body[len].x=head.x-i; body[len].y=head.y;*/ len++; } Bend(); if(!kbhit()) head.x++; } void Bend() { int i,j,diff; for(i=bend_no;i>=0&&len<length;i--) //bend_no=0; { // printf("%d\n",bend[i].x); // printf("%d\n",bend[i-1].x); //bend[i-1].x=25 if(bend[i].x==bend[i-1].x) { diff=bend[i].y-bend[i-1].y; if(diff<0){ for(j=1;j<=(-diff);j++) { body[len].x=bend[i].x; body[len].y=bend[i].y+j; GotoXY(body[len].x,body[len].y); printf("*"); len++; if(len==length) break; } } else if(diff>0) for(j=1;j<=diff;j++) { /*GotoXY(bend[i].x,(bend[i].y-j)); printf("*");*/ body[len].x=bend[i].x; body[len].y=bend[i].y-j; GotoXY(body[len].x,body[len].y); printf("*"); len++; if(len==length) break; } } else if(bend[i].y==bend[i-1].y) { diff=bend[i].x-bend[i-1].x; if(diff<0) for(j=1;j<=(-diff)&&len<length;j++) { /*GotoXY((bend[i].x+j),bend[i].y); printf("*");*/ body[len].x=bend[i].x+j; body[len].y=bend[i].y; GotoXY(body[len].x,body[len].y); printf("*"); len++; if(len==length) break; } else if(diff>0) for(j=1;j<=diff&&len<length;j++) { /*GotoXY((bend[i].x-j),bend[i].y); printf("*");*/ body[len].x=bend[i].x-j; body[len].y=bend[i].y; GotoXY(body[len].x,body[len].y); printf("*"); len++; if(len==length) break; } } } } void Boarder() { system("cls"); int i; GotoXY(food.x,food.y); /*displaying food*/ printf("F"); for(i=10;i<71;i++) { GotoXY(i,10); printf("!"); GotoXY(i,30); printf("!"); } for(i=10;i<31;i++) { GotoXY(10,i); printf("!"); GotoXY(70,i); printf("!"); } } void Print() { //GotoXY(10,12); printf("\tWelcome to the mini Snake game.(press any key to continue)\n"); getch(); // system("cls"); printf("\tGame Play Instructions:\n"); printf("\n-> Use arrow keys to move the snake.\n\n-> You will be provided food blobs at the several coordinates of the screen which you have to make your snake eat. Everytime you eat a food the length of the snake will be increased by 1 element and thus the score.\n\n-> Here you are provided with three lives. Your life will decrease as you hit the wall or snake's body.\n\n-> YOu can pause the game in its middle by pressing any key. To continue the paused game press any other key once again\n\n-> If you want to exit press esc. \n"); printf("\n\nPress any key to continue..."); if(getch()==27) exit(0); } void record(){ char plname[20],nplname[20],cha,c; int i,j,px; FILE *info; info=fopen("record.txt","a+"); getch(); system("cls"); printf("Enter your name\n"); scanf("%s",plname); //************************ for(j=0;plname[j]!='\0';j++){ //to convert the first letter after space to capital nplname[0]=toupper(plname[0]); if(plname[j-1]==' ') { nplname[j]=toupper(plname[j]); nplname[j-1]=plname[j-1]; } else nplname[j]=plname[j]; } nplname[j]='\0'; //***************************** //sdfprintf(info,"\t\t\tPlayers List\n"); fprintf(info,"Player Name :%s\n",nplname); //for date and time time_t mytime; mytime = time(NULL); fprintf(info,"Played Date:%s",ctime(&mytime)); //************************** fprintf(info,"Player1_Score:%d\n",px=Scoreonly());//call score to display score //fprintf(info,"\nLevel:%d\n",10);//call level to display level // for(i=0;i<=50;i++) fprintf(info,"%c",'_'); fprintf(info,"\n"); fclose(info); printf("wanna see past records press 'y'\n"); cha=getch(); system("cls"); if(cha=='y') { info=fopen("record.txt","r"); do{ putchar(c=getc(info)); }while(c!=EOF); } fclose(info); } int Score() { int score; GotoXY(20,8); score=length-5; printf("Player1_SCORE : %d",(length-5)); // score=length-5; GotoXY(50,8); printf("Life_P1 : %d",life); return score; } int Scoreonly() { int score=Score(); system("cls"); return score; } void Up() { int i; for(i=0;i<=(bend[bend_no].y-head.y)&&len<length;i++) { GotoXY(head.x,head.y+i); { if(len==0) printf("^"); else printf("*"); } body[len].x=head.x; body[len].y=head.y+i; len++; } Bend(); if(!kbhit()) head.y--; } ///Player2 void gotoxy2(int x, int y) { COORD coord; coord.X = x; coord.Y = y; SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord); } void GotoXY2(int x, int y) { HANDLE a; COORD b; // fflush(stdout); b.X = x; b.Y = y; a = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleCursorPosition(a,b); } /////////////////////////// void Move2() { int a,i; do{ Food(); // fflush(stdin); len=0; for(i=0;i<30;i++) { body2[i].x=0; body2[i].y=0; if(i==length2) break; } Delay(length2); Boarder(); if(head2.direction==RIGHT2) Right2(); else if(head2.direction==LEFT2) Left2(); else if(head2.direction==DOWN2) Down2(); else if(head2.direction==UP2) Up2(); ExitGame(); }while(!kbhit()); //if v entr any key2 othr than arrows thn game vil pause a=getch(); if(a==27) { system("cls"); exit(0); } key2=getch(); if((key2==RIGHT2&&head2.direction!=LEFT2&&head2.direction!=RIGHT2)||(key2==LEFT2&&head2.direction!=RIGHT2&&head2.direction!=LEFT2)||(key2==UP2&&head2.direction!=DOWN2&&head2.direction!=UP2)||(key2==DOWN2&&head2.direction!=UP2&&head2.direction!=DOWN2)) { bend_no++; bend2[bend_no]=head2; head2.direction=key2; if(key2==UP2) head2.y++; //first it was -- if(key2==DOWN2) head2.y--; //first it was ++ if(key2==RIGHT2) head2.x++; if(key2==LEFT2) head2.x--; Move2(); } /* else if(key2==27) { system("cls"); exit(0); }*/ else { printf("\a"); Move2(); } } void Down2() { int i; for(i=0;i<=(head2.y-bend2[bend_no].y)&&len<length2;i++) { GotoXY2(head2.x,head2.y-i); { if(len==0) printf("v"); else printf("#"); } body2[len].x=head2.x; body2[len].y=head2.y-i; len++; } Bend2(); if(!kbhit()) head2.y++; } void Left2() { int i; for(i=0;i<=(bend2[bend_no].x-head2.x)&&len<length2;i++) { GotoXY2((head2.x+i),head2.y); if(len==0) printf("<"); else printf("#"); body2[len].x=head2.x+i; body2[len].y=head2.y; len++; } Bend2(); if(!kbhit()) head2.x--; } void Right2() { int i; //len=0 initialized in Move2() for(i=0;i<=(head2.x-bend2[bend_no].x)&&len<length2;i++) { //GotoXY2((head2.x-i),head2.y); body2[len].x=head2.x-i; //to move the snake forward in right direction body2[len].y=head2.y; //x changes according to i but y remains same GotoXY2(body2[len].x,body2[len].y); //{ if(len==0) printf(">"); else printf("#"); //} /*body2[len].x=head2.x-i; body2[len].y=head2.y;*/ len++; } Bend2(); if(!kbhit()) head2.x++; } void Bend2() { int i,j,diff; for(i=bend_no;i>=0&&len<length2;i--) //bend_no=0; { // printf("%d\n",bend[i].x); // printf("%d\n",bend[i-1].x); //bend[i-1].x=25 if(bend2[i].x==bend2[i-1].x) { diff=bend2[i].y-bend2[i-1].y; if(diff<0){ for(j=1;j<=(-diff);j++) { body2[len].x=bend2[i].x; body2[len].y=bend2[i].y+j; GotoXY2(body2[len].x,body2[len].y); printf("#"); len++; if(len==length2) break; } } else if(diff>0) for(j=1;j<=diff;j++) { /*GotoXY2(bend[i].x,(bend[i].y-j)); printf("*");*/ body2[len].x=bend2[i].x; body2[len].y=bend2[i].y-j; GotoXY2(body2[len].x,body2[len].y); printf("#"); len++; if(len==length2) break; } } else if(bend2[i].y==bend2[i-1].y) { diff=bend2[i].x-bend2[i-1].x; if(diff<0) for(j=1;j<=(-diff)&&len<length2;j++) { /*GotoXY2((bend[i].x+j),bend[i].y); printf("*");*/ body2[len].x=bend2[i].x+j; body2[len].y=bend2[i].y; GotoXY2(body2[len].x,body2[len].y); printf("#"); len++; if(len==length2) break; } else if(diff>0) for(j=1;j<=diff&&len<length2;j++) { /*GotoXY2((bend[i].x-j),bend[i].y); printf("*");*/ body2[len].x=bend2[i].x-j; body2[len].y=bend2[i].y; GotoXY2(body2[len].x,body2[len].y); printf("#"); len++; if(len==length2) break; } } } } void Up2() { int i; for(i=0;i<=(bend2[bend_no].y-head2.y)&&len<length2;i++) { GotoXY2(head2.x,head2.y+i); { if(len==0) printf("^"); else printf("#"); } body2[len].x=head2.x; body2[len].y=head2.y+i; len++; } Bend2(); if(!kbhit()) head2.y--; }
Заметил много printf, может быть, вы переписываете одну змею с другой? то есть отображается последняя.