Vishal0903 Ответов: 1

Автоматизация сервера экспорта highcharts да или нет вопросов

One of our application uses highcharts node export server, so while npm install there are few questions asked as below

Agree to the license terms? y/n:  (no) y
Select your Highcharts version (e.g. 4.2.2)::  (latest)
Include Maps? (requires Maps license):  (no)
Include Gantt? (requires Gantt license, and >V6.2):  (no)
Enable styled mode? (requires Highcharts/Highstock 5+ license):  (no)
Include moment.js for date/time handling?:  (no)
Which CDN would you like to use?:  (
Enable wordcloud support? y/n:  (no)
Enable annotations support? y/n:  (no)

We are planning to have a continuous integration of that application using team city, is there any way to automate questions asked while npm install?

Что я уже пробовал:

Я не могу найти способ автоматизировать это в TC







1 Ответов



I found a solution for it, hope this is helpful for whoever needs

Create a text file say Input.txt - This will have all the answers for the questions asked
Command while npm install should be
npm install <
Ex: npm install < Input.txt

When ever there is any question in cmd, it will take the corresponding values from the text file

Please note: Extra enter at the end of the file needs to be there