Entity framework и mysql
am trying to return the pets that are linked to a certain client but the message Sql = The function evaluation requires that all threads are executed. But I'm not able to find out why this happens, if someone can help me public ActionResult Index() { if (Session["nomeUsuarioLogado"] != null && Session["usuarioLogadoID"] != null) { int idcliente = new LoginController().Clientes(this); var consultar = from Pets in db.pets join c in db.clientes on Pets.id_pets equals c.id_cliente where c.id_cliente == idcliente select Pets; return View(consultar); // return View(db.pets.ToList()); } return RedirectToAction("Index", "login"); } }
Что я уже пробовал:
am trying to return the pets that are linked to a certain client but the message Sql = The function evaluation requires that all threads are executed. But I'm not able to find out why this happens, if someone can help me