Этот код для игры в крестики-нолики дает ошибку.пожалуйста, помогите мне выяснить, что это за ошибка.
from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox root=Tk() root.geometry('500x500') bu2=Button(root,text="play game") bu2.grid() <pre>def tic_tac_toe(events): tk=Tk() tk.title("Tic Tac Toe") click=True def checker(buttons): global click if buttons["text"]==" " and click==True: buttons["text"]=="X" click=False elif buttons["text"] == " " and click == False: buttons["text"] == "O" click = True elif (button1["text"]=="X" and button2["text"]=="X" and button3["text"]=="X" or button4["text"]=="X" and button5["text"]=="X" and button6["text"]=="X" or button7["text"]=="X" and button8["text"]=="X" and button9["text"]=="X" or button1["text"]=="X" and button5["text"]=="X" and button9["text"]=="X" or button3["text"]=="X" and button5["text"]=="X" and button7["text"]=="X" or button1["text"]=="X" and button4["text"]=="X" and button7["text"]== "X" or button2["text"]=="X" and button5["text"]=="X" and button8["text"]== "X" or button3["text"]=="X" and button6["text"]=="X" and button9["text"]== "X"): messagebox.showinfo("Winner X","You have just won the game") elif (button1["text"] =="O" and button2["text"]=="O" and button3["text"] == "O" or button4["text"] =="O" and button5["text"] =="O" and button6["text"] =="O" or button7["text"] =="O" and button8["text"] =="O" and button9["text"] =="O" or button1["text"] =="O" and button5["text"] =="O" and button9["text"] =="O" or button3["text"] =="O" and button5["text"] =="O" and button7["text"] =="O" or button1["text"] =="O" and button4["text"] =="O" and button7["text"] =="O" or button2["text"] =="O" and button5["text"] =="O" and button8["text"] == "O" or button3["text"] == "O" and button6["text"] == "O" and button9["text"] == "O"): messagebox.showinfo("Winner O","You have just won the game") buttons=StringVar() button1=Button(tk,text=" ",font=('Times 26 bold'),height=4,width=8,command=lambda: checker(button1)) button1.grid(row=1,column=0,sticky=S+N+E+W) button2 = Button(tk, text=" ", font=('Times 26 bold'), height=4, width=8, command=lambda:checker(button2)) button2.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=S + N + E + W) button3 = Button(tk, text=" ", font=('Times 26 bold'), height=4, width=8, command=lambda: checker(button3)) button3.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=S + N + E + W) button4 = Button(tk, text=" ", font=('Times 26 bold'), height=4, width=8, command=lambda: checker(button4)) button4.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=S + N + E + W) button5 = Button(tk, text=" ", font=('Times 26 bold'), height=4, width=8, command=lambda: checker(button5)) button5.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=S + N + E + W) button6= Button(tk, text=" ", font=('Times 26 bold'), height=4, width=8, command=lambda: checker(button6)) button6.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky=S + N + E + W) button7= Button(tk, text=" ", font=('Times 26 bold'), height=4, width=8, command=lambda: checker(button7)) button7.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=S + N + E + W) button8= Button(tk, text=" ", font=('Times 26 bold'), height=4, width=8, command=lambda: checker(button8)) button8.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=S + N + E + W) button9= Button(tk, text=" ", font=('Times 26 bold'), height=4, width=8, command=lambda: checker(button9)) button9.grid(row=3, column=2, sticky=S + N + E + W) tk.mainloop() bu2.bind("<Button-1>",tic_tac_toe) root.mainloop()
Что я уже пробовал:
i have tried so much but didnt get the error
Patrice T
Опишите "ошибку"