Этот код отлично работает для gridview, который не находится в панели. Но при вводе в панель этот код не работает
$(function () { debugger; //Enable Disable all TextBoxes when Header Row CheckBox is checked. $("[id*=chkHeader]").bind("click", function () { var chkHeader = $(this); alert("hi") //Find and reference the GridView. var grid = $(this).closest("table"); //Loop through the CheckBoxes in each Row. $("td", grid).find("input[type=checkbox]").each(function () { //If Header CheckBox is checked. //Then check all CheckBoxes and enable the TextBoxes. if (chkHeader.is(":checked")) { $(this).attr("checked", "checked"); var td = $("td", $(this).closest("tr")); td.css({ "background-color": "#D8EBF2" }); $("input[type=text]", td).removeAttr("disabled"); } else { $(this).removeAttr("checked"); var td = $("td", $(this).closest("tr")); td.css({ "background-color": "#FFF" }); $("input[type=text]", td).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } }); }); //Enable Disable TextBoxes in a Row when the Row CheckBox is checked. $("[id*=chkRow]").bind("click", function () { //Find and reference the GridView. var grid = $(this).closest("table"); //Find and reference the Header CheckBox. var chkHeader = $("[id*=chkHeader]", grid); //If the CheckBox is Checked then enable the TextBoxes in thr Row. if (!$(this).is(":checked")) { var td = $("td", $(this).closest("tr")); td.css({ "background-color": "#FFF" }); $("input[type=text]", td).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } else { var td = $("td", $(this).closest("tr")); td.css({ "background-color": "#D8EBF2" }); $("input[type=text]", td).removeAttr("disabled"); } //Enable Header Row CheckBox if all the Row CheckBoxes are checked and vice versa. if ($("[id*=chkRow]", grid).length == $("[id*=chkRow]:checked", grid).length) { chkHeader.attr("checked", "checked"); } else { chkHeader.removeAttr("checked"); } }); });
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