Финтех и новые специфические языки
Very recently I talked to a banker about a possible system / project to turn anyone into a bank thanks to their savings. The point is to see if it is possible to combine an artificial intelligence system to reduce the risks. Traditional artificial intelligence systems are too cumbersome to guarantee good results. I designed one, on a completely different logic, which doesn't need to balance parameters and which is extremely fast and particularly effective. I hope to publish it in the coming months. But my question is, is fintech really a new world or simply a transposition of the old bank with a bit of technology? Wouldn't there be a need for new Open protocols to allow everyone to be a bank? Wouldn't it be a good idea to create a new programming language specific to this sector made up of calls to standard operations? If this is not the right topic, I apologize.
Что я уже пробовал:
I thought about the creation of standard data interfaces for the Fintech world, looking around a bit. Has anyone already tried to standardize the Fintech interface needs?
Richard MacCutchan
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