Хотите импортировать проект с моей локальной машины в существующее РЕПО в битовом ведре
Want to import ParseParcel .NET project from my local machine to existing created repository in bit bucket(trade Me/Tech Tests/parseparcel) and I have gone through https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver/importing-code-from-an-existing-project-776640909.html. But no luck. Please guide me.
Что я уже пробовал:
I have followed below step but getting "git remote add origin https://git@bitbucket.org/anu/trade Me/Tech Tests/parsetheparcel-rajesh-yadav.git usage: git remote add [] -f, --fetch fetch the remote branches --tags import all tags and associated objects when fetching or do not fetch any tag at all (--no-tags) -t, --track branch(es) to track -m, --master master branch --mirror[=] set up remote as a mirror to push to or fetch from" And when i check the git log, git log ** Your help is highly appreciated.