Хотите оптимизировать следующий код и хотите отображать имена игроков из одной формы в другую.
Ниже приводится основная форма:
И если это возможно, мне нужна небольшая помощь в том, как я могу держать компьютер в качестве своего противника!
Public Class tictactoe Dim tt As Boolean = True Public p1 As String Public p2 As String Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If tt = True Then Button1.Text = "X" Text = "Player" + p2 + "'s turn" tt = False Button1.Enabled = False Else Button1.Text = "0" Text = "Player 1's turn" tt = True Button1.Enabled = False End If checkWinner() End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click If tt = True Then Button2.Text = "X" Text = "Player 2's turn" tt = False Button2.Enabled = False Else Button2.Text = "0" Text = "Player 1's turn" Button2.Enabled = False tt = True End If checkWinner() End Sub Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click If tt = True Then Button3.Text = "X" Text = "Player 2's turn" tt = False Button3.Enabled = False Else Button3.Text = "0" Text = "Player 1's turn" tt = True Button3.Enabled = False End If checkWinner() End Sub Private Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click If tt = True Then Button6.Text = "X" Text = "Player 2's turn" tt = False Button6.Enabled = False Else Button6.Text = "0" Text = "Player 1's turn" tt = True Button6.Enabled = False End If checkWinner() End Sub Private Sub Button5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click If tt = True Then Button5.Text = "X" Text = "Player 2's turn" tt = False Button5.Enabled = False Else Button5.Text = "0" Text = "Player 1's turn" tt = True Button5.Enabled = False End If checkWinner() End Sub Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click If tt = True Then Button4.Text = "X" Text = "Player 2's turn" tt = False Button4.Enabled = False Else Button4.Text = "0" Text = "Player 1's turn" tt = True Button4.Enabled = False End If checkWinner() End Sub Private Sub Button9_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button9.Click If tt = True Then Button9.Text = "X" Text = "Player 2's turn" tt = False Button9.Enabled = False Else Button9.Text = "0" Text = "Player 1's turn" tt = True Button9.Enabled = False End If checkWinner() End Sub Private Sub Button8_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click If tt = True Then Button8.Text = "X" Text = "Player 2's turn" tt = False Button8.Enabled = False Else Button8.Text = "0" Text = "Player 1's turn" tt = True Button8.Enabled = False End If checkWinner() End Sub Private Sub Button7_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click If tt = True Then Button7.Text = "X" Text = "Player 2's turn" tt = False Button7.Enabled = False Else Button7.Text = "0" Text = "Player 1's turn" tt = True Button7.Enabled = False End If checkWinner() End Sub Private Sub ResetToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ResetToolStripMenuItem.Click RR() End Sub Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ExitToolStripMenuItem.Click Close() End Sub Public Sub RR() Text = "New Game" Button1.Enabled = True Button2.Enabled = True Button3.Enabled = True Button4.Enabled = True Button5.Enabled = True Button6.Enabled = True Button7.Enabled = True Button8.Enabled = True Button9.Enabled = True tt = True Button1.ResetText() Button2.ResetText() Button3.ResetText() Button4.ResetText() Button5.ResetText() Button6.ResetText() Button7.ResetText() Button8.ResetText() Button9.ResetText() End Sub Private Sub checkWinner() If Button1.Text = "X" And Button2.Text = "X" And Button3.Text = "X" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 1 wins", "Winner!") RR() ElseIf Button1.Text = "0" And Button2.Text = "0" And Button3.Text = "0" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 2 Wins!", "Winner!") RR() End If If Button1.Text = "X" And Button5.Text = "X" And Button7.Text = "X" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 1 wins", "Winner!") RR() ElseIf Button1.Text = "0" And Button5.Text = "0" And Button7.Text = "0" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 2 Wins!", "Winner!") RR() End If If Button1.Text = "X" And Button6.Text = "X" And Button9.Text = "X" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 1 wins", "Winner!") RR() ElseIf Button1.Text = "0" And Button6.Text = "0" And Button9.Text = "0" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 2 Wins!", "Winner!") RR() End If If Button2.Text = "X" And Button5.Text = "X" And Button8.Text = "X" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 1 wins", "Winner!") RR() ElseIf Button2.Text = "0" And Button5.Text = "0" And Button8.Text = "0" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 2 Wins!", "Winner!") RR() End If If Button3.Text = "X" And Button4.Text = "X" And Button7.Text = "X" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 1 wins", "Winner!") RR() ElseIf Button3.Text = "0" And Button4.Text = "0" And Button7.Text = "0" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 2 Wins!", "Winner!") RR() End If If Button3.Text = "X" And Button5.Text = "X" And Button9.Text = "X" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 1 wins", "Winner!") RR() ElseIf Button3.Text = "0" And Button5.Text = "0" And Button9.Text = "0" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 2 Wins!", "Winner!") RR() End If If Button6.Text = "X" And Button5.Text = "X" And Button4.Text = "X" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 1 wins", "Winner!") RR() ElseIf Button6.Text = "0" And Button5.Text = "0" And Button4.Text = "0" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 2 Wins!", "Winner!") RR() End If If Button9.Text = "X" And Button8.Text = "X" And Button7.Text = "X" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 1 wins", "Winner!") RR() ElseIf Button9.Text = "0" And Button8.Text = "0" And Button7.Text = "0" Then MessageBox.Show("Player 2 Wins!", "Winner!") RR() End If End Sub Private Sub StartToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles StartToolStripMenuItem.Click New_Player.Show() End Sub Private Sub tictactoe_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Button1.Enabled = False Button2.Enabled = False Button3.Enabled = False Button4.Enabled = False Button5.Enabled = False Button6.Enabled = False Button7.Enabled = False Button8.Enabled = False Button9.Enabled = False End Sub End Class
Это другая форма, где я ввожу имена игроков,здесь я хочу Скопировать текст текстовых полей в переменную p1 в основной форме и отобразить его на форме:
Public Class New_Player Dim sq As New tictactoe Private Sub New_Player_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click sq.Label1.Text = TextBox1.Text End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click TextBox1.Clear() TextBox2.Clear() End Sub End Class
Что я уже пробовал:
попытался передать текст в качестве параметров функции..