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We are using Excel Interop in C# for Excel sheets formatting. The issue is ,I am getting above exception when i run an excel (2000kb). the weird thing is every time i get exception in different pages . Exception is not consistent. When i run an excel with 20 pages .i get exception in page 2. The same excel when i run i get exception in page 6. when i delete all other pages and run that particular page whc i was getting exception i will not get any exception at all. Here is the code where i m getting exception.
i tried checking null and assigning values where it is .. it didnt work. Please suggest what is wrong here.
Что я уже пробовал:
private void FixSheetHeaders(ref Excel.Application m_appTemplate) { Excel.Range rngUsed = null; Excel.Range rngHdrStatus = null; Excel.Range rngHdr = null; Excel.Range rngPageBreak = null; Excel.Range rngRedundentHdr = null; int iPBRow = 0; bool bHdr = false; object[,] arr_objValue = null; int iRowsToLoop = 0; try { Excel.Worksheet ws = m_wsCurrent; ws.DisplayPageBreaks = true; ws.DisplayPageBreaks = false; DoEvents(); if (ws.HPageBreaks.Count > 0) { if (PageBreakIssueFound(ref m_appTemplate) == true) { ResetPageBreak(ref m_appTemplate, true); if (CallResetPageBreakAgainPageBreakRow() == true) { ResetPageBreak(ref m_appTemplate, true); } //m_appTemplate.ActiveWindow.View = Excel.XlWindowView.xlPageLayoutView; DoEvents(); rngUsed = ws.UsedRange; iRowsToLoop = rngUsed.Rows.Count; rngUsed = ws.Cells[1, INT_COLUMN_INDEX]; rngUsed = rngUsed.get_Resize(iRowsToLoop, Type.Missing); DoEvents(); arr_objValue = rngUsed.Value2; iPBRow = ws.HPageBreaks[1].Location.Row; bHdr = false; DoEvents(); try { for (int i = 1; i <= iRowsToLoop; i++) { bHdr = false; if (arr_objValue[i, 1] != null && arr_objValue[i, 1].ToString().Substring(0, 1) == "1") { rngHdrStatus = rngUsed[i, 1]; rngHdr = rngHdrStatus.EntireRow; bHdr = true; DoEvents(); } if (bHdr == false && rngHdr != null && PageBreakRow(ws, i) == true) { //madhu if (ws.Cells[i, 1] != null) { rngHdrStatus = ws.Cells[i, 1]; } // add header only when there is data if (arr_objValue[i, 1] != null) { //madhu if (arr_objValue[i - 1, 1] != null) { //check if the data in the last row is not header if (arr_objValue[i - 1, 1].ToString().Substring(0, 1) != "1") { rngHdr.Copy(); iRowsToLoop += 1; } //if header, insert a row so the header is moved to new page else { rngRedundentHdr = rngUsed[i - 1, 1].EntireRow; rngRedundentHdr.Insert(Excel.XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftDown, Type.Missing); rngRedundentHdr = rngUsed[i - 1, 1].EntireRow; //Hide the blank row that was inserted rngRedundentHdr.Hidden = true; } } } DoEvents(); rngHdrStatus.Insert(Excel.XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftDown, Type.Missing); DoEvents(); //madhu if (ws.Cells[i, 1] != null) { rngPageBreak = ws.Cells[i, 1]; rngPageBreak.Worksheet.HPageBreaks.Add(rngPageBreak); } DoEvents(); arr_objValue = rngUsed.Value2; m_appTemplate.ActiveWindow.LargeScroll(1, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); DoEvents(); m_iScroll += 1; if (ws.Cells[rngHdrStatus.Row + 10, 1] != null) { rngHdrStatus = ws.Cells[rngHdrStatus.Row + 10, 1]; rngHdrStatus.Select(); } DoEvents(); ws.DisplayPageBreaks = false; ResetPageBreak(ref m_appTemplate, false); if (CallResetPageBreakAgainPageBreakRow() == true) { ResetPageBreak(ref m_appTemplate, false); } } else if (i > 0 && bHdr == true && PageBreakRow(ws, i) == true) { if (ws.Cells[i, 1] != null) { rngHdrStatus = ws.Cells[i, 1]; ws.HPageBreaks.Add(rngHdrStatus); }
Patrice T
Что такое "страница" в excel ?
В какой строке появляется ошибка ?
Member 14781099
Страница означает лист
Я не знаю ,какая именно строка, потому что в листе будет 1000 строк для отладки, а поведение исключений не согласовано.
Patrice T
строка в вашем коде, когда появляется ошибка.
Patrice T
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