danash Ответов: 0

Использование справки по созданию запроса веб-сервиса VB.NET VB WDSL

Hi,  I'm struggeling with a webservice request and could use some help. I was sent a WSDL 

<a href="https://www.estes-express.com/tools/rating/ratequote/v4.0/services/RateQuoteService?wsdl">WSDL link</a>

I can't figure out how to construct the actual response request to gain a response from  the server. 

I have all the freight load requirements loaded up correctly in my estesRateRequest object (code below)

My issue is I have no idea how to construct and fire off the request to gain a response from the server. I don't know where to look in the WSDL and am trying to learn Any help will be gladly appreciated :) Thanks

<pre lang="vb">   Protected Sub GetEstesRate()

    Dim estesAuth As New wsdl_estes.AuthenticationType
    estesAuth.user = ("xxxzz")
    estesAuth.password = ("zzzz")

    Dim estesRateRequest As New rateRequest With {
        .requestID = ("xxxxxxx"),
        .account = ("12345"),
        .terms = ("P")

    Dim eOrigin As New PointType With {
        .city = ("Atlanta"),
        .stateProvince = ("GA"),
        .postalCode = ("30369"),
        .countryCode = ("US")
    estesRateRequest.originPoint = eOrigin

    Dim eDestination As New PointType With {
        .city = ("Knoxville"),
        .stateProvince = ("TN"),
        .postalCode = ("37918"),
        .countryCode = ("US")
    estesRateRequest.destinationPoint = eDestination

    Dim eDims As New DimensionsType With {
        .length = ("48"),
        .width = ("42"),
        .height = ("45")

    Dim Commodity As New FullCommodityType With {
        .class = 60,
        .description = ("Books"),
        .weight = ("7000"),
        .pieces = ("6"),
        .pieceType = PackagingType.SK,
        .dimensions = eDims

    estesRateRequest.Item = (Commodity)

    estesRateRequest.linearFeet = ("12")

    Dim accscode() As String = {"APT"}

    estesRateRequest.accessorials = accscode

End Sub

Что я уже пробовал:

Я читал и исследовал WSDL и сопутствующие веб-сервисы, но justr, похоже, не может найти способ позвонить на сервер.

F-ES Sitecore

Google для того, чтобы использовать сервис WSDL, он хорошо документирован. Если вы не можете решить эту проблему, следуя подробному пошаговому руководству, то вряд ли вы сможете следовать любой помощи, которую мы можем вам дать.


I already have a website that reaches out to 12 different carriers using SAOP, REST & JSON calls. Pretty sure I could follow anything you throw at me. It's pretty normal that a carrier provides support documentation exposing all the properties and methods available and eeded to consume thier webservice. This carrier did not. So I have the unenviable task of trying to decipher and traipse through thier WSDL. Not having much success and after lots of googeling, I figured I'd ask here. I havent asked to be spoon feed or anything to the like. Only wanted someone who's had more experiance at reading WSDL documents. to point or nudge me in the right direction. What i got borders on snobery or arrogance to me. Not sure if you meant to be that way but... Wasn't any help what so ever. If thats the best you can do you may want to just not answer posts with comments like that.

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