Как динамически создать следующую страницу и вставить содержимое 1-й страницы на 2-ю страницу
Я экспортирую данные в таблицу документов word, таблица не расширяется, если записей больше, чем строк таблицы в word
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Вот мой код
try { SqlDataReader drTemp; SqlCommand cmdTemp = new SqlCommand(); WordDoc = new Word.Application(); string strFinalCertificateNo = ""; char[] separators = new char[] { '-', '-' }; string[] CertificateNo = new string[0]; CertificateNo = CertificateNum.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (CertificateNo.Length > 1) strFinalCertificateNo = "PFESC" + "_" + CertificateNo[0].ToString() + "_" + CertificateNo[1].ToString(); else strFinalCertificateNo = "PFESC" + "_" + CertificateNo[0].ToString(); DateTime dtDate = DateTime.Now.Date; string strSource = Application.StartupPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "App_Certificate" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "PFESC"; string strDestination = Application.StartupPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "App_ExportCertificate" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (!Directory.Exists(strDestination)) Directory.CreateDirectory(strDestination); // strDestination += strFinalCertificateNo + "-" + dtDate.Day + "-" + dtDate.Month + "-" + dtDate.Year + ".docx"; strDestination += 111 ; if (File.Exists(strDestination)) { try { File.Delete(strDestination); } catch { } } object fileName = strSource; object readOnly = false; object isVisible = true; object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; WordDoc.Visible = true; Doc = WordDoc.Documents.Open(ref fileName, ref missing, ref readOnly, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref isVisible); Doc.Activate(); object fileName1 = strSource; object readOnly1 = false; object isVisible1 = true; object missing1 = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; WordDoc.Visible = true; Doc = WordDoc.Documents.Open(ref fileName1, ref missing1, ref readOnly1, ref missing1, ref missing1, ref missing1, ref missing1, ref missing1, ref missing1, ref missing1, ref missing1, ref isVisible1); Doc.Activate(); //Vessel Details strQuery = "select InsDate, InsVesselName,InsImoNo,InsClass,InsFlag from InspectionMaster where CompID = '" + strCompanyid + "' and InsDeleted = 0 and InsNo = '" + CertificateNum + "'"; if (cn.State != ConnectionState.Open) cn.Open(); cmdTemp.Connection = cn; cmdTemp.CommandText = strQuery; drTemp = cmdTemp.ExecuteReader(); if (drTemp.Read()) { DateTime dtInsDate = drTemp.GetDateTime(0); FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<vy>", dtInsDate.Year); FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<vm>", dtInsDate.ToString("MMMM")); FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<vd>", dtInsDate.ToString("dd")); if (CertificateNum != "") FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<vcertificateno>", CertificateNum); else FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<vcertificateno>", ""); if (drTemp["InsVesselName"] != DBNull.Value) FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<vesselname>", drTemp["InsVesselName"].ToString()); else FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<vesselname>", ""); if (drTemp["InsClass"] != DBNull.Value) FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<vclass>", drTemp["InsClass"].ToString()); else FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<vclass>", ""); if (drTemp["InsFlag"] != DBNull.Value) FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<vflag>", drTemp["InsFlag"].ToString()); else FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<vflag>", ""); if (drTemp["InsImoNo"] != DBNull.Value) FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<vimo>", drTemp["InsImono"].ToString()); else FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<vimo>", ""); } drTemp.Close(); // To Export Details Data Word.Table tbl = Doc.Tables[2]; int intRow = 1, intCol = 2; strQuery = ""; strQuery = "Select SCOrder,SCSerialNo,SCLocation,SCMaker,SCLastServiceDate,SCLastHydroTestDate,SCDType,SCFireClass,SCCapacity," + " SCWorkCode from InspPFESCDetails where InsNo = '" + CertificateNum + "' and SCOrder<=25 AND CompID = '" + strCompanyid + "' and SCDeleted = 0 " + " order by SCId"; if (cn.State != ConnectionState.Open) cn.Open(); cmdTemp.Connection = cn; cmdTemp.CommandText = strQuery; drTemp = cmdTemp.ExecuteReader(); try { while (drTemp.Read()) { intRow += 1; for (intCol = 1; intCol < drTemp.FieldCount; intCol++) { if (drTemp.GetValue(intCol) != DBNull.Value) tbl.Cell(intRow, intCol + 1).Range.Text = drTemp.GetValue(intCol).ToString(); } } } catch { } drTemp.Close(); strQuery = ""; strQuery = "Select SCComments from " + strTechTableName + " where InsNo = '" + CertificateNum + "' and CompID = '" + strCompanyid + "' and SCDeleted = 0"; if (cn.State != ConnectionState.Open) cn.Open(); cmdTemp.Connection = cn; cmdTemp.CommandText = strQuery; drTemp = cmdTemp.ExecuteReader(); while (drTemp.Read()) { if (drTemp["SCComments"] != DBNull.Value) FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<sercomment>", drTemp["SCComments"].ToString()); else FindAndReplace(WordDoc, "<sercomment>", ""); } drTemp.Close(); Doc.SaveAs(strDestination); } catch { }