Как должен начать учиться кто-то новый в программировании?
Hello, I am an aspiring programmer who is still in the process of clearly defining the differences between languages, researching which are the preferred starting language(s), how to progress learning multiple languages, where to begin, and which program language to begin with. After considerable time deciding how best to start, I purchased Steve McConnell's "Code Complete" (2nd edition) and currently still reading, I've also began using an android app "Learn Python" to have the hands on aspect, while starting out. Read the book for theory, use the app to get better acquainted with the programming atmosphere, rules, system, etc. Progressing with these 2 sources is definitely helping, but my question is, should I, or is there a better way to start learning, and is Python good to begin with? From what I understand Python is a very useful and widely used language for new devices and emerging technology, but is it better to start with C++ or Java, HTML, I've heard mixed but seemingly positive things about Linux. Researching this on my own has been informative, although I'm not sure how much, being so new to this kind of terrain on computers. Can anyone suggest some way that may be optimal for learning to code? I would like to learn to do as much as possible, and realistically what to expect in the world of programming, as far as how people usually begin in this field. I have been pursuing learning programming for a few years now, trying to learn where to begin, seeing about colleges and similar programs that teach things relevant, but financially that will have to wait, currently building credit to apply for a loan eventually, then pay for something credible, such as certification, or a degree. It has been a slow process attempting to find all the right direction, alone, so now I am trying to get involved in the online forum community, and learn as much as possible from people who actually have experience with...well, all or any of the above. Thank you for taking the time to read my question(s) and for any response.
Что я уже пробовал:
Я попробовал "выучить Python" (приложение google play). Youtube видео о том, как научиться кодировать разные языки, в настоящее время читает (около 1/4 до конца) "Code Complete "Стива Макконнелла(2-е издание) и общее чтение по программированию.
Jon McKee
Make things. It sounds stupidly simple but I'm serious. Make things. Come up with an idea, even if it's been done before, and make it. Doesn't matter what language or if it's super simple like a calculator. The biggest secret no one will ever tell you is all languages are basically the same. Sure some are tailored for specific purposes but there's an enormous amount of "sameness" and topics that translate between languages - just different syntax and maybe a catch here and there. The reason people suggest languages like C# to start with is because it's popular and attempts to prevent you from shooting yourself in the foot. Something that a language like C++ gladly lets you do.
В конце концов, язык-это всего лишь набор инструментов. Важно развивать свои навыки решения проблем и чувствовать себя комфортно при решении проблем с помощью этих инструментов. Похоже, вы на правильном пути, и Code Complete-отличная книга. Если вы заинтересованы в веб-разработке, то на сайте FreeCodeCamp есть потрясающая бесплатная программа с гидом, которая поможет вам начать работу там. У него также есть проблемы с алгоритмами, которые я абсолютно обожаю. Ваше здоровье!