Как хранить табличные данные, полученные из интерфейса командной строки в Python с использованием словаря
я с помощью командной строки по SSH в мой код на Python, чтобы получить данные из командной строки commanda.
у меня есть две команды cli, которые дают мне выходные данные в табличной форме. поэтому я хочу сохранить данные, которые я получаю от команды, в словаре и использовать словарь, который я хочу объединить со значением ключа для отображения моих данных.
Что я уже пробовал:
######## python snippet to find CMS WAE Config details KPI's import getopt import logging import time import datetime import json import re from paramiko import SSHClient, AutoAddPolicy import silo_common.snippets as em7_snippets from collections import defaultdict SNIPPET_NAME = 'WAE: Config Details' DEVICEIP = self.ip DID = self.did DEBUG_STR= '%s : %s : %s' % ( SNIPPET_NAME, DID, DEVICEIP) ##uses ssh credential to establish an ssh session. def ssh_conn(): ##Set a default. if self.cred_details['cred_port'] is not None: ssh_port = self.cred_details['cred_port'] print "ssh_port is", ssh_port else: ssh_port = 2024 try: ssh = SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(self.cred_details["cred_host"], username=self.cred_details["cred_user"], password=self.cred_details["cred_pwd"], port=ssh_port) return ssh except Exception as e: PROBLEM_STR = "%s:%s: Exception Caught - %s: %s" % (DEBUG_STR,name, e.message, e.args) self.logger.ui_debug('Exception Caught : %s' % PROBLEM_STR) connection = [] return connection ##executes cli request return either in list of rows, or long string. def ssh_shell_request(ssh,request,output=False): res = [] try: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(request) self.logger.ui_debug ('output of exec command, stdout=%s ' % (stdout)) if output is True: if stdout is not None: res = ''.join(stdout) self.logger.ui_debug ('result of the exec command when output is true=%s' % (res)) return res else: for line in stdout: #line = line.translate(None, "\n\r\"") if (line == "" and SKIP_EMPTY_LINES): continue else: res.append(line.strip()) self.logger.ui_debug ('result of the exec command when output is false =%s' % (res)) return res except Exception as e: PROBLEM_STR = "%s:%s: Exception Caught - %s: %s" % (DEBUG_STR,name, e.message, e.args) self.logger.ui_debug('Exception Caught : %s' % PROBLEM_STR) return res ##handles all the static calls and formats into cache object so we can save def get_data(conn): res_data = {} arr_lines=[] try: ##We are only getting running containers by default.. add -a to see all containsers. (not tested) request = "switch cli \n show ncs-state daemon-status ; show packages package oper-status" print "request is ", request lines = ssh_shell_request(conn,request) self.logger.ui_debug ('output of the shell request =%s' % (lines)) if lines is not None and isinstance(lines, list): for line in lines: arr_lines.append(line) self.logger.ui_debug ('arr lines inside the get data =%s' % (arr_lines)) return arr_lines except Exception as e: PROBLEM_STR = "%s:%s: Exception Caught - %s: %s" % (DEBUG_STR,name, e.message, e.args) self.logger.ui_debug('Exception Caught : %s' % PROBLEM_STR) return arr_lines def get_data_version(conn): arr_version = [] ##We are only getting running containers by default.. add -a to see all containsers. (not tested) request = " switch cli \n show packages package" lines= ssh_shell_request(conn,request) self.logger.ui_debug ('output of the shell request =%s' % (lines)) if lines is not None and isinstance(lines, list): for line in lines: arr_version.append(line) self.logger.ui_debug ('arr lines inside the get data =%s' % (arr_version)) return arr_version #Main daemonstatus = "started" pck_name = {} pck_status = {} pck_version = {} dd=defaultdict(list) if self.cred_details['cred_type'] == 6: if self.cred_details['cred_host'] is not None \ and self.cred_details['cred_pwd'] is not None \ and self.cred_details['cred_user'] is not None: try: conn = ssh_conn() if conn is not None: arr_lines = get_data(conn) arr_run_lines = get_data_version(conn) #arr_oper_lines = get_oper_datastore_data(conn) for line in arr_lines: self.logger.ui_debug ('inside the arr lines array =%s' % (line)) line = line.lower() self.logger.ui_debug ('output of the get data in main loop in lower case =%s' % (line)) if line.find('daemon-status started') > 0: daemonstatus='started' self.logger.ui_debug ('daemon-status line=%s,daemonstatus=%s ' % (line,daemonstatus)) elif 'package' in line: package_name.append((cnt,line.split(" ")[2])) elif 'oper-status' in line: pck_status.append((cnt,line.split(" ")[1])) cnt = cnt + 1 except Exception as e: PROBLEM_STR = "%s:%s: Exception Caught - %s: %s" % (DEBUG_STR,name, e.message, e.args) self.logger.ui_debug('Exception Caught : %s' % PROBLEM_STR) status=[] status.append((0,daemonstatus)) result_handler['daemon_status'] = status result_handler['package_name']= package_name.items() result_handler['package_status'] = pck_status.items() result_handler['package_version'] = pck_version
Richard MacCutchan
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