Как исправить перетаскивание электронной почты из outlook непосредственно в веб-приложение.
Hello, Currently we are working on a Web application(fiori), in which we got an requirement stated below. 1. User should be allowed to directly drag and attach the email in to the web application. Which is currently not possible in web application. Current possibility: We can save in desktop and then attach the readable file in to web application via drag and drop – which is not recommended as per our requirement. Issue:When we directly drag and drop the file into web application – The file would be in non-readable format ,hence the web app will not accept the non-readable file. But, If we save in desktop , by default it will be saved as .mgs which is readable format and can be attached to any web application. Possibilities: 1.Develop our own outlook plugin to convert the mail to readable format(.mg) when we click the email and drag out from the outlook. So in this case , file would be in readable format when it comes out from outlook and can be attached to web application directly. 2.At browser level, is it possible to develop a plugin to convert the mail to readable format when the file is dragged out from the outlook & before attaching it to the web application, I am new to the above functionality , So please do let me know in case if you have idea about the above functionality or do let me know any best possible solution.
Что я уже пробовал:
Проверил возможности с помощью JS-запроса, но не смог найти никакого решения.
F-ES Sitecore
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Я редко принимаю сторону ОП, но здесь у меня сложилось впечатление, что они просто ищут какое-то направление.