Как исправить "system.indexoutofrangeexception" в моей 2D-игре?
Итак, я кодирую игру, и чтобы загрузить плитки, код будет читать файл .map, где находится информация о карте. Но это дает мне эту ошибку.
файл .map выглядит следующим образом:
Это всего лишь одна строчка...
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.IO; namespace Core { public class Core { //-----------Core------------// //-structs-// public struct XY { public int X, Y; public XY(int x, int y) { X = x; Y = y; } } //-Static Member-// public class Members { public static Panel VIEW = new Panel { Location = new Point(100, 0), Size = new Size(570, 570), Visible = true }; public static Panel WORLD; public static Engine ENGINE = new Engine(); public static Tile[,] TILE = new Tile[T_XCOUNT, T_YCOUNT]; public static Init INIT = new Init(); public static int T_XCOUNT, T_YCOUNT; public static bool FIRST_TIME_ENGINE_INIT = false, PLAYER_RENDER = false; } //-Player-// public class Player { public static Bitmap TEXTURE; public static Rectangle DIMENSION; public static XY LOCATION; public static char PLAYER_LOOKING_AT = 'S'; public const int DEFAULT_XLOC = 9, DEFAULT_YLOC = 8, DEFAULT_XSIZE = 30, DEFAULT_YSIZE = 30; public const string DEFAULT_SPRITE = @"Sprites/Animated/Character/Gael/Gael-LSW.png"; public static bool LookingAt(char direction) { PLAYER_LOOKING_AT = direction; if (PLAYER_LOOKING_AT == 'S') { TEXTURE = new Bitmap(DEFAULT_SPRITE); } else if (PLAYER_LOOKING_AT == 'E') { TEXTURE = new Bitmap(DEFAULT_SPRITE); } else if (PLAYER_LOOKING_AT == 'N') { TEXTURE = new Bitmap(DEFAULT_SPRITE); } else if (PLAYER_LOOKING_AT == 'W') { TEXTURE = new Bitmap(DEFAULT_SPRITE); } else { TEXTURE = new Bitmap(DEFAULT_SPRITE); } return true; } } //-Constant Value-// #region Const public const int #region Values WINDOW_XSIZE = 770, WINDOW_YSIZE = 570, MAX_XTILE = 49, MAX_YTILE = 49; #endregion public const string #region Values WINDOW_TITLE = "Game", DEBUG_WINDOW_TITLE = "Debug", SPRITE_FOLDER = "Sprites/", DEFAULT_SPRITE_EXT = ".png"; #endregion #endregion //-Tiles-// public class Tile { public XY LOCATION; public Rectangle DIMENSION; public Bitmap FORE_TEXTURE; public Bitmap BACK_TEXTURE; public bool COLLSION = false; public const int XSIZE = 30, YSIZE = 30; public void SetLocation(int x, int y) { LOCATION = new XY(x, y); DIMENSION = new Rectangle(LOCATION.X * 30, LOCATION.Y * 30, XSIZE, YSIZE); } } //-Methods-// public class Init { public void _Player() { //must be run only at first load. If runned twice, it will reset the location. Player.LOCATION = new XY(Player.DEFAULT_XLOC, Player.DEFAULT_YLOC); Player.DIMENSION = new Rectangle(Player.LOCATION.X, Player.LOCATION.Y, Player.DEFAULT_XSIZE, Player.DEFAULT_YSIZE); Player.TEXTURE = new Bitmap(Player.DEFAULT_SPRITE); } public void _Window(Form window) { window.Size = new Size(WINDOW_XSIZE, WINDOW_YSIZE); window.Text = WINDOW_TITLE; window.BackColor = Color.Black; window.Controls.Add(Members.VIEW); Members.VIEW.BringToFront(); } //ERROR - ERROR - ERROR - ERROR// public void _SetTiles(string mapFile) { int Y = 0, X = 0; string[] Parameter = new string[4]; string[] TilesInfo = File.ReadAllLines(mapFile); for (int y = 0; y < TilesInfo.Count(); y++) { string[] WordsInfo = TilesInfo[y].Split(' '); Y = TilesInfo.Count(); for (int x = 0; x < WordsInfo.Count(); x++) { X = WordsInfo.Count(); Parameter = WordsInfo[x].Split(':'); } } Members.T_XCOUNT = X; Members.T_YCOUNT = Y; Members.WORLD = new Panel { Location = new Point(0, 0), Size = new Size(X * 30, Y * 30), Visible = true, BackColor = Color.Gray }; Members.VIEW.Controls.Add(Members.WORLD); Members.WORLD.BringToFront(); for (int y = 0; y < Y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < X; x++) { Members.TILE[x, y].FORE_TEXTURE = new Bitmap(SPRITE_FOLDER + Parameter[0] + DEFAULT_SPRITE_EXT); //ERROR IS HERE <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Members.TILE[x, y].BACK_TEXTURE = new Bitmap(SPRITE_FOLDER + Parameter[1] + DEFAULT_SPRITE_EXT); if (Parameter[3] == "06") Members.TILE[x, y].COLLSION = true; else Members.TILE[x, y].COLLSION = false; } } } public void _StartEngine() { Members.WORLD.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(_OnRender); } public void _OnRender(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { if (Members.FIRST_TIME_ENGINE_INIT == false) { Members.ENGINE.Init(e.Graphics); Members.ENGINE.StartRender(); Members.FIRST_TIME_ENGINE_INIT = true; } else { if (Members.PLAYER_RENDER == true) { Members.ENGINE.RenderPlayer(); } else { } } } } public static void Render(bool RenderPlayer) //SetTile must have been run before this method, or else it'll throw an Execption. { if (RenderPlayer == true) { Members.WORLD.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(Render); void Render(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { } } else { Members.WORLD.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(Render); void Render(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { } } } } }
Что я уже пробовал:
Я попытался посмотреть, идет ли он выше индекса, но исключение появляется, когда
TILES[0,0] = new Bitmap(...)призванный...