Как избавиться от "непредвиденной ошибки" в Microsoft outlook 2013?
- Привет!
Я использую Microsoft Outlook 2013, и у меня есть правило, созданное в нем с помощью скрипта Visual Basic, который запускается каждый раз, когда я отправляю/получаю.
Недавно он начал показывать мне ошибку
An unexpected error occurredи я не могу понять почему.
Я вставляю свой VB-скрипт для справки.
Пожалуйста помочь.
С уважением
Аман Чаурасия
Что я уже пробовал:
Function FileExists(FilePath As String) As Boolean Dim TestStr As String TestStr = "" On Error Resume Next TestStr = Dir(FilePath) On Error GoTo 0 If TestStr = "" Then FileExists = False Else FileExists = True End If End Function Sub Ftp_Download(MyMail As MailItem) Dim objFS As New Scripting.FileSystemObject, objFile As Scripting.TextStream Dim objItem As Object, strFile As String Dim Folder As Folder Dim sName As String Dim source As String Dim target As String Dim script As String Dim abody() As String Dim j As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim Input_Date As String Dim Title As String Dim Publisher As String Dim File_Name As String Dim Issue As String Dim Release_Date As String Dim Pages As String Dim Pubcode As String Dim Priority As String Dim Repub As String Dim Amazon As String Dim Kindle As String Dim XML As String Dim File_Name_1 As String On Error GoTo Qlockwork_err Dim NS As NameSpace Set NS = GetNamespace("MAPI") If InStr(MyMail.Subject, "[AUTOPUB]") > 0 Then abody = Split(MyMail.Body, Chr(10)) For j = 0 To UBound(abody) abody(j) = Trim(Replace(abody(j), Chr(13), "", 1)) If abody(j) = "" Then GoTo continue If InStr(abody(j), "Sent e:\tmp\") > 0 Then target = Mid(Trim(abody(j)), InStr(Trim(abody(j)), "on ") + 3, 10) Input_Date = Mid(Trim(abody(j)), InStr(Trim(abody(j)), "on ") + 3, 10) source = Mid(Trim(abody(j)), InStr(Trim(abody(j)), "to ") + 2, InStr(Trim(abody(j)), "on ") - InStr(Trim(abody(j)), "to ") - 3) File_Name = Trim(Mid(Trim(abody(j)), InStr(Trim(abody(j)), "to ") + 2, InStr(Trim(abody(j)), "on ") - InStr(Trim(abody(j)), "to ") - 3)) target = "D:\Logistics\Projects\Google\Repub\Input\" + Trim(target) + "\" + Trim(Replace(source, "/", "\", 1, Count:=2)) End If If InStrRev(File_Name, "/") > 0 Then File_Name = Mid(File_Name, InStrRev(File_Name, "/") + 1) End If If InStr(abody(j), "Publicatie: ") > 0 Then Title = abody(j) Title = Trim(Replace(Title, "Publicatie: ", "", 1)) End If If InStr(abody(j), "Publisher: ") > 0 Then Publisher = abody(j) Publisher = Trim(Replace(Publisher, "Publisher: ", "", 1)) End If If InStr(abody(j), "Issue: ") > 0 Then Issue = abody(j) Issue = Trim(Replace(Issue, "Issue: ", "", 1)) End If If InStr(abody(j), "Release date: ") > 0 Then Release_Date = abody(j) Release_Date = Trim(Replace(Release_Date, "Release date: ", "", 1)) End If If InStr(abody(j), "Number of pages: ") > 0 Then Pages = abody(j) Pages = Trim(Replace(Pages, "Number of pages: ", "", 1)) End If If InStr(abody(j), "Pubcode: ") > 0 Then Pubcode = abody(j) Pubcode = Trim(Replace(Pubcode, "Pubcode: ", "", 1)) End If If InStr(abody(j), "Priority: ") > 0 Then Priority = abody(j) Priority = Trim(Replace(Priority, "Priority: ", "", 1)) End If If InStr(abody(j), "Conversion to Repub: ") > 0 Then Repub = abody(j) Repub = Trim(Replace(Repub, "Conversion to Repub: ", "", 1)) End If If InStr(abody(j), "Conversion to Amazon: ") > 0 Then Amazon = abody(j) Amazon = Trim(Replace(Amazon, "Conversion to Amazon: ", "", 1)) End If If InStr(abody(j), "Conversion to Kindle: ") > 0 Then Kindle = abody(j) Kindle = Trim(Replace(Kindle, "Conversion to Kindle: ", "", 1)) End If If InStr(abody(j), "Conversion to Extra XML: ") > 0 Then XML = abody(j) XML = Trim(Replace(XML, "Conversion to Extra XML: ", "", 1)) End If If InStr(abody(j), "Received client") > 0 Then GoTo continue If InStr(abody(j), "URL") > 0 Then GoTo continue If InStr(abody(j), "Sent Contractor") > 0 Then GoTo continue If InStr(abody(j), "Received Contractor") > 0 Then GoTo continue continue: Next If InStr(File_Name, "_feed.zip") > 0 Then File_Name_1 = Trim(Replace(File_Name, "_feed.zip", "", 1)) End If If InStr(File_Name, "_feed.pdf") > 0 Then File_Name_1 = Trim(Replace(File_Name, "_feed.pdf", "", 1)) End If strFile = "D:\Logistics\Projects\Google\Repub\Input\Metadata\" & File_Name_1 & ".txt" Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If FSO.FileExists(strFile) Then FSO.DeleteFile ("" & strFile & "") If FileExists(strFile) Then MsgBox "File " & File_Name_1 & ".txt exists" Else Set objFile = objFS.CreateTextFile(strFile, False) If objFile Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Error creating file '" & strFile & "'.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation _ , "Invalid File" Exit Sub End If 'MsgBox (strFile) With objFile .Write Input_Date & "|" .Write Title & "|" .Write Publisher & "|" .Write File_Name & "|" .Write Issue & "|" .Write Release_Date & "|" .Write Pages & "|" .Write Pubcode & "|" .Write Priority & "|" .Write Repub & "|" .Write Amazon & "|" .Write Kindle & "|" .Write XML .Write vbCrLf End With objFile.Close 'MsgBox "Email text extraction completed!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "DONE!" Set objFS = Nothing Set objFile = Nothing 'Set objItem = Nothing End If script = "D:\Patelinfo\Development\Kindle_Download.bat " + source + " " + target Shell (script) End If ' COMMENT: Clean up after ourselves Qlockwork_exit: Set NS = Nothing Exit Sub ' Handle errors Qlockwork_err: MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred." Resume Qlockwork_exit End Sub
Jochen Arndt
У нас не было доступа к вашей системе, так что мы не можем выяснить, почему. Особенно когда это работало в прошлом.
Вы должны, по крайней мере, выяснить, в какой строке кода происходит ошибка.
Если он работал в прошлом, он может быть получен некоторыми изменениями в вашей системе. Но опять же, только вы можете знать об этом.
Поместите туда точку останова и отладьте ее, чтобы найти строку, которая вызывает исключение, а затем изучите все переменные, влияющие на эту строку
Richard Deeming
Либо удалить On Error GoTo Qlockwork_err
линии или, по крайней мере, изучить свойства Err
объект в коде обработки ошибок.