Как конвертировать ASP classic в строку .NET public actionresult
Function getRefundPayId(refundId,parentId) If refundId <> "" Then sql = "select PayID from (select PayID,RID from epayment with (nolock) where ParentPayid = " & sqlS(parentId) & " ) As rid Where Rid = " & sqlS(refundId) set rs = my_conn.execute(sql) if not rs.eof then RefundPayid = rs("payid") end if set rs=nothing End If getRefundPayId = RefundPayid End Function
//Ценю, что кто-то может преобразовать это в строку. Спасибо.
Что я уже пробовал:
public ActionResult (string refundId, string parentId)
язык SQL =
select PayID from (select PayID,RID from epayment with (nolock) where ParentPayid = " & sqlS(parentId) & " ) As rid Where Rid = " & sqlS(refundId) set rs = my_conn.execute(sql); {@refundId, refundId}, {@parentId, parentID} }