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Как мне обновить свою логику в VB.NET код?

Я хотел бы обновить логику операторов if, чтобы она срабатывала только тогда, когда все условия DOMNC в изменяемом предложении имеют ту же дату окончания, что и дата окончания измененного предложения DOMNC.
Я все еще хочу сохранить чек, чтобы убедиться, что измененное предложение DOMNC end date меньше или равно сегодняшнему дню
Я также не хочу пропускать, если изменяемое предложение (то есть детское предложение) не имеет никаких условий DOMNC.
Может кто-нибудь помочь?

Я забыл добавить xml-документ. Вот он. Обратите внимание, что DOMNC находится в этом xml-документе.
		<SentenceEvent ID="208093958" Date="05/03/2018" InternalSentenceEventID="1815027597">
			<SentenceAmendmentReason Word="CTORDER">Court Order</SentenceAmendmentReason>
			<SentenceAmendmentReason Word="MOD">Modification</SentenceAmendmentReason>
			<Sentence ID="9703621" InternalSentenceID="1619846047">
					<ConditionComponent InternalComponentInstanceID="1632369294">
							<Type Word="DOMNC">Domestic No Contact (DANCO)</Type>
					<ConditionComponent InternalComponentInstanceID="1632369295">
							<Type Word="DOMNC">Domestic No Contact (DANCO)</Type>
			<SentenceEvent ID="208093956" Date="05/03/2018" InternalSentenceEventID="1815027595">
				<Sentence ID="9703620" InternalSentenceID="1619846046">
						<ConditionComponent InternalComponentInstanceID="1632369292">
								<Type Word="DOMNC">Domestic No Contact (DANCO)</Type>

Вот моя логика селектора (операторы if) в
 Dim strEndDate As String = ""
 Dim objXMLConditionEventNode As XmlNode

objXMLConditionEventNode = aobjXMLInputDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("Case//SentenceEvent")
  strEndDate = objXMLConditionEventNode.SelectSingleNode("Sentence/Additional/ConditionComponent/Condition[Type/@Word='DOMNC']/EndDate").InnerText

strEndDate = objXMLConditionEventNode.SelectSingleNode("Sentence/Additional/JuvenileConditionComponent/Condition[Type/@Word='DOMNC']/EndDate").InnerText

'SKIP - Amended sentence where the DOMNC end date is less than or equal to today, and
'the sentence being amended has a DOMNC condition with the same end date
If (Not objXMLConditionEventNode.SelectSingleNode("SentenceAmendmentReason") Is Nothing) AndAlso _
 (strEndDate.Length > 0) AndAlso ((CDate(strEndDate) <= Now())) AndAlso (blnIBDOMNCSCEventOnCase = True) Then
'Check if the DOMNC end date of the prior child sentence is the same as the value in strEndDate;
'If it is, skip this message (Note: The XPATH for adult and juvenile cases is different)
If aobjXMLInputDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//Integration/Case/BaseCaseType").InnerText = "Adult" Then
objXMLChildSentenceDOMNCEndDate = objXMLConditionEventNode.SelectSingleNode("SentenceEvent/Sentence/Additional/ConditionComponent/Condition[Type/@Word='DOMNC']/EndDate")
objXMLChildSentenceDOMNCEndDate = objXMLConditionEventNode.SelectSingleNode("SentenceEvent/Sentence/Additional/JuvenileConditionComponent/Condition[Type/@Word='DOMNC']/EndDate")
End If
If (Not objXMLChildSentenceDOMNCEndDate Is Nothing) AndAlso (objXMLChildSentenceDOMNCEndDate.InnerText = strEndDate) Then
'Post an informational message to the message warehouse
aobjBroker.PostMessageWarehouseInformationalMessage("Message skipped - DOMNC condition on amended sentence has the same expired", 1)
aobjBroker.PostMessageWarehouseInformationalMessage("end date as the DOMNC condition on the prior sentence.", 1)
aobjBroker.PostMessageWarehouseInformationalMessage("Note: Any existing edit failures have NOT been cleared.", 1)
Return False
End If
End If

Что я уже пробовал:

'SKIP - Amended sentence where the DOMNC end date is less than or equal to today, and
            'the sentence being amended has a DOMNC condition with the same end date
If (Not objXMLConditionEventNode.SelectSingleNode("SentenceAmendmentReason") Is Nothing) AndAlso _
 (strEndDate.Length > 0) AndAlso ((CDate(strEndDate) <= Now())) AndAlso (blnIBDOMNCSCEventOnCase = True) Then
'Check if the DOMNC end date of the prior child sentence is the same as the value in strEndDate;
'If it is, skip this message (Note: The XPATH for adult and juvenile cases is different)
If aobjXMLInputDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//Integration/Case/BaseCaseType").InnerText = "Adult" Then
objXMLChildSentenceDOMNCEndDate = objXMLConditionEventNode.SelectSingleNode("SentenceEvent/Sentence/Additional/ConditionComponent/Condition[Type/@Word='DOMNC']/EndDate")
objXMLChildSentenceDOMNCEndDate = objXMLConditionEventNode.SelectSingleNode("SentenceEvent/Sentence/Additional/JuvenileConditionComponent/Condition[Type/@Word='DOMNC']/EndDate")
End If
If (Not objXMLChildSentenceDOMNCEndDate Is Nothing) AndAlso (objXMLChildSentenceDOMNCEndDate.InnerText = strEndDate) Then
'Post an informational message to the message warehouse
aobjBroker.PostMessageWarehouseInformationalMessage("Message skipped - DOMNC condition on amended sentence has the same expired", 1)
aobjBroker.PostMessageWarehouseInformationalMessage("end date as the DOMNC condition on the prior sentence.", 1)
aobjBroker.PostMessageWarehouseInformationalMessage("Note: Any existing edit failures have NOT been cleared.", 1)
Return False
End If
End If

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