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Object Oriented Programming Case Study Problem Statement: Visual Horizon Software Solutions is a small scale training company wants to develop a web application for their employee’s management, initial days their business is limited to few cities with in a state and they maintained their employee’s information in XL Sheets. After few successful years their business is grown and started the company as a Pvt Listed Company now they are in the focus of their business expansion. In VHSS there are different types of employees like Permanent, Contract, Hourly Based employees working for different designations. The list of designations were Technical Trainer, Soft Skill Trainer, Admin and Human Resources Team (i.e. HR) respectively. All the employees were working for different departments based on their designation, following are the Departments. 1) Training 2) Admin 3) HR Assume VHSS Team contacted a service provider company (XYZ) for this requirement, after requirements analysis XYZ Company divided the project into different modules and you are responsible for one entire module implementation, testing, integration and Knowledge Transfers. The list of modules was listed below. 1) Employee Registration Module 2) Department Activities Module 3) Training Activities Module 4) Reports Module. Find below the tables which are used in this module. Table 1: VHSS_Employee_Details Fields : EmpNumber – Primary key EmpName EmpJob EmpType EmpDoj EmpSal EmpDeptNo – Foreign Key PossPortNumber - Foreign Key Table 2: VHSS_Department_Master Fields: DeptNumber – Primary Key DeptName DeptLocation Table 3: VHSS_Emp_Address_Details Fields: PossPortNumber – Primary Key CountryName CityName VillageName PinCodeNumber Question 1: identify and list all classes, data members and member methods Question 2: identify and list all Abstract Classes, Sub Classes, Abstract Methods, and Dependent Classes Question 3: Write Java code for all classes identified.
Что я уже пробовал:
я пытался, но мне это трудно, помоги мне
Richard MacCutchan
Я предлагаю вам попросить вашего учителя прояснить этот вопрос. Предоставленная информация относится к таблицам базы данных, но вам предлагается написать классы Java.
Deeksha Gowda
да, из данной базы данных мы должны найти классы, элементы данных и методы-члены абстрактных классов, подклассов, абстрактных методов и зависимых, а затем на основе этих классов мы должны написать java-код
Richard MacCutchan
Итак, начните с класса Employee, у вас есть подробная информация обо всей информации, которая будет связана с каждым человеком.