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PYTHON • Design and program must be object-oriented. • For each project there is a requirements section. You must follow the requirements section exactly! By follow exactly, I mean follow exactly, i.e. the names of the methods must be exactly as named in the requirements section (case included!), the order of the arguments to a method must be exactly as in the requirements section, etc. • There must be NO graphics. These are all console applications. • They should all be user-friendly and robust, being able to deal with user input errors; however, don’t go overboard, get it working first! Project Descriptions 1. Cop and Robber. Overview: We describe the 2-player game called “Cop and Robber”. There are two players: one is the cop and the other is the robber. The game can be played on any graph (i.e. a set of vertices, and edges that connect them to make a network). The game is put into initial position by first allowing the cop to place herself at any vertex, followed by allowing the robber to place himself at any vertex. After the players have both placed themselves, the players alternate taking turns, with the cop starting. On a turn, a player can move from a vertex to an adjacent vertex, or remain at the same vertex. The cop wins if she ever occupies the same vertex as the robber. The robber wins if the cop gives up, or the number of moves more than some user inputed number (for example 25 moves). Requirements: You must 1) create a class named CopRobGame, which will be described below, 2) create other classes as needed, which will all be known by the top level class CopRobGame, 3) write a simple console game (no graphics!) for the game using the class CopRobGame and a few simple calls to it. The class CopRobGame, must have at least the following methods (it may have more methods): (a) The initializer takes one positive integer argument, which is the limit on the number of moves before the game is over (and the robber wins). (b) createVertex: Takes a single string input as an argument and adds this vertex to the graph, attaching it to no other vertices. (c) createEdge: Takes 2 strings as input, and creates an edge between the 2 vertices with those string names. If the 2 strings are the same, or one of the strings is not the name of a vertex, then no edge is created. If the edge already exists, nothing new is created. Returns the boolean True if a new edge was created, and False otherwise. (d) placePlayer: Takes 2 strings as input. The first string should be either “C” or “R”, to indicate Cop or Robber, respectively. The second string should be the name of a vertex. The indicated player is placed at that vertex. (e) movePlayer: Takes 2 string inputs; the first should be either “C” or “R”, to indicate Cop or Robber, respectively. The second string should be the name of the vertex to move the player to. The method should return True if the player was successfully moved there, and False if there was some problem. (f) winCheck: Takes no inputs and returns one of 3 strings: “C” if the cop and robber occupy the same vertex; “R” if the number of moves is past the limit; and “X” if neither player has won yet. (g) display: This creates a text output of the current state of the graph and the positions of the players (if they are placed), in a the following series of lines, each separated by a single newline character. i. The string “Cop: ” followed by the name of the vertex where the cop is; if the Cop has not been placed, then the string “Cop not placed.” appears. Then there are some spaces, and an analogous printout for the Robber: “Robber: ” followed by the name of the vertex where the robber is; if the Robber has not been placed, then the string “Robber not placed.” ii. The string “Vertices: ” followed by a comma separated listing of the vertices. iii. The string “Edges: ” followed by a comma separated listing of the edges, where each edge is of the form “( [vertex name], [vertex name])”. Example: The following code should print or return what is in the comments. G = CopRobGame(10) G.createVertex(’a’) G.createVertex(’b’) G.createVertex(’c’) G.createVertex(’d’) G.createEdge(’a’, ’b’) G.createEdge(’b’, ’c’) G.createEdge(’c’, ’a’) G.createEdge(’c’, ’d’) # Returns True G.createEdge(’d’, ’c’) # Returns False G.placePlayer(’C’, ’c’) G.placePlayer(’R’, ’a’) print(G.winCheck()) # Prints ’X’ G.movePlayer(’C’, ’a’) print(G.winCheck()) # Prints ’C’ G.display() # PRINTS WHAT FOLLOWS ... Cop: a Robber: a Vertices: a, b, c, d Edges: (a,b) (b,c) (c,a) (a,d)
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