Member 12646622 Ответов: 1

Как можно проанализировать itemdimension из этого XML-файла и получить значения высоты, веса, длины, ширины для каждого asin ?

- <GetMatchingProductResponse>
- <GetMatchingProductResult status="Success">
- <Product>
- <Identifiers>
- <MarketplaceASIN>
- <AttributeSets>
- <ItemAttributes lang="en-US">
- <ItemDimensions>
  <Height Units="inches">1.18</Height> 
  <Length Units="inches">1.18</Length> 
  <Width Units="inches">1.18</Width> 
  <Weight Units="pounds">0.55</Weight> 
- <PackageDimensions>
  <Height Units="inches">0.39</Height> 
  <Length Units="inches">0.39</Length> 
  <Width Units="inches">0.39</Width> 
  <Weight Units="pounds">0.55</Weight> 
- <SmallImage>
  <Height Units="pixels">75</Height> 
  <Width Units="pixels">75</Width> 
  <Title>CableWholesale's Cisco Compatible Serial Cable, HD60 Male to DB25 Female, Equivalent to CAB-232FC-6, 6 foot</Title> 
  <Relationships /> 
- <SalesRankings>
- <SalesRank>
- <SalesRank>
- <GetMatchingProductResult status="Success">
- <Product>
- <Identifiers>
- <MarketplaceASIN>
- <AttributeSets>
- <ItemAttributes lang="en-US">
- <ItemDimensions>
  <Height Units="inches">1.18</Height> 
  <Length Units="inches">1.18</Length> 
  <Width Units="inches">1.18</Width> 
  <Weight Units="pounds">0.85</Weight> 
- <ListPrice>
- <PackageDimensions>
  <Height Units="inches">0.39</Height> 
  <Length Units="inches">0.39</Length> 
  <Width Units="inches">0.39</Width> 
  <Weight Units="pounds">0.85</Weight> 
- <SmallImage>
  <Height Units="pixels">75</Height> 
  <Width Units="pixels">75</Width> 
  <Title>CableWholesale's Cisco Compatible Serial Cable, HD60 Male to DB37 Female, Equivalent to CAB-449FC-3M, 10 foot</Title> 
  <Relationships /> 
- <SalesRankings>
- <SalesRank>
- <GetMatchingProductResult status="Success">
- <Product>
- <Identifiers>
- <MarketplaceASIN>
- <AttributeSets>
- <ItemAttributes lang="en-US">
- <ItemDimensions>
  <Weight Units="pounds">6.97</Weight> 
  <ProductGroup>PC Accessory</ProductGroup> 
- <SmallImage>
  <Height Units="pixels">75</Height> 
  <Width Units="pixels">75</Width> 
  <Title>10FT HD60M/DB37F Cable (CAB-449FC-3M) [Electronics]</Title> 
  <Relationships /> 
  <SalesRankings /> 
- <GetMatchingProductResult status="Success">
- <Product>
- <Identifiers>
- <MarketplaceASIN>
- <AttributeSets>
- <ItemAttributes lang="en-US">
- <ItemDimensions>
  <Height Units="inches">1.18</Height> 
  <Length Units="inches">1.18</Length> 
  <Width Units="inches">1.18</Width> 
  <Weight Units="pounds">0.65</Weight> 
- <ListPrice>
- <PackageDimensions>
  <Height Units="inches">0.39</Height> 
  <Length Units="inches">0.39</Length> 
  <Width Units="inches">0.39</Width> 
  <Weight Units="pounds">0.65</Weight> 
- <SmallImage>
  <Height Units="pixels">75</Height> 
  <Width Units="pixels">75</Width> 
  <Title>CableWholesale's Cisco Compatible Serial Cable, HD60 Male to DB37 Male, Equivalent to CAB-449MT-6, 6 foot</Title> 
  <Relationships /> 
  <SalesRankings /> 
- <GetMatchingProductResult status="Success">
- <Product>
- <Identifiers>
- <MarketplaceASIN>
- <AttributeSets>
- <ItemAttributes lang="en-US">
- <ItemDimensions>
  <Height Units="inches">1.18</Height> 
  <Length Units="inches">1.18</Length> 
  <Width Units="inches">1.18</Width> 
  <Weight Units="pounds">1.00</Weight> 
- <PackageDimensions>
  <Height Units="inches">0.39</Height> 
  <Length Units="inches">0.39</Length> 
  <Width Units="inches">0.39</Width> 
  <Weight Units="pounds">2.00</Weight> 
  <ProductGroup>PC Accessory</ProductGroup> 
- <SmallImage>
  <Height Units="pixels">75</Height> 
  <Width Units="pixels">75</Width> 
  <Title>HD60 Male / v.35 Male, (CAB-V35MT-3M) Cisco Cable, 10 ft</Title> 
  <Relationships /> 
- <SalesRankings>
- <SalesRank>
- <SalesRank>
- <GetMatchingProductResult status="Success">
- <Product>
- <Identifiers>
- <MarketplaceASIN>
- <AttributeSets>
- <ItemAttributes lang="en-US">
- <ItemDimensions>
  <Weight Units="pounds">7.50</Weight> 
  <ProductGroup>PC Accessory</ProductGroup> 
- <SmallImage>
  <Height Units="pixels">75</Height> 
  <Width Units="pixels">75</Width> 
  <Title>10FT HD60M/V.35M Cable (CAB-V35MT-3M) [Electronics]</Title> 
  <Relationships /> 
  <SalesRankings /> 
- <GetMatchingProductResult status="Success">
- <Product>
- <Identifiers>
- <MarketplaceASIN>
- <AttributeSets>
- <ItemAttributes lang="en-US">
  <ProductGroup>PC Accessory</ProductGroup> 
- <SmallImage>
  <Height Units="pixels">29</Height> 
  <Width Units="pixels">75</Width> 
  <Title>QVS 6ft DB60 to DTE V.35 Serial Cisco Router Cable</Title> 
  <Relationships /> 
- <SalesRankings>
- <SalesRank>
- <SalesRank>
- <GetMatchingProductResult status="Success">
- <Product>
- <Identifiers>
- <MarketplaceASIN>
- <AttributeSets>
- <ItemAttributes lang="en-US">
- <ItemDimensions>
  <Weight Units="pounds">4.50</Weight> 
- <SmallImage>
  <Height Units="pixels">75</Height> 
  <Width Units="pixels">75</Width> 
  <Title>10FT HD60M/DB15F Cable (CAB-X21FC-3M) [Electronics]</Title> 
  <Relationships /> 
  <SalesRankings /> 
- <GetMatchingProductResult status="Success">
- <Product>
- <Identifiers>
- <MarketplaceASIN>
- <AttributeSets>
- <ItemAttributes lang="en-US">
- <ItemDimensions>
  <Height Units="inches">1.18</Height> 
  <Length Units="inches">1.18</Length> 
  <Width Units="inches">1.18</Width> 
  <Weight Units="pounds">0.78</Weight> 
- <PackageDimensions>
  <Height Units="inches">0.39</Height> 
  <Length Units="inches">0.39</Length> 
  <Width Units="inches">0.39</Width> 
  <Weight Units="pounds">1.78</Weight> 
- <SmallImage>
  <Height Units="pixels">75</Height> 
  <Width Units="pixels">75</Width> 
  <Title>CableWholesale's Cisco Compatible Serial Cable, HD60 Male to DB25 Female, Equivalent to CAB-232FC-3M, 10 foot</Title> 
  <Relationships /> 
- <SalesRankings>
- <SalesRank>
- <GetMatchingProductResult status="Success">
- <Product>
- <Identifiers>
- <MarketplaceASIN>
- <AttributeSets>
- <ItemAttributes lang="en-US">
  <Brand>Cables Unlimited</Brand> 
  <Label>Audio Unlimited®</Label> 
  <Manufacturer>Audio Unlimited®</Manufacturer> 
  <Publisher>Audio Unlimited®</Publisher> 
- <SmallImage>
  <Height Units="pixels">75</Height> 
  <Width Units="pixels">75</Width> 
  <Studio>Audio Unlimited®</Studio> 
  <Title>Audio Unlimited SPK-TRANS2 Dual Powered Transmitter for SPK-ROCK & SPK-VELO series (White)</Title> 
  <Relationships /> 
- <SalesRankings>
- <SalesRank>

Что я уже пробовал:

                    foreach (XElement XE in main.DescendantsAndSelf())
                        XE.Name = XE.Name.LocalName; 
                                                (from xattrib in XE.Attributes().Where(xa => !xa.IsNamespaceDeclaration)
                                                        select new XAttribute(
                    var products =  from m in main.Descendants("GetMatchingProductResult").Elements("Product")
                                   let sr = m.Descendants("AttributeSets").Elements("ItemAttributes").FirstOrDefault()
                                   select new
                                       ASIN = (m == null || m.Value.Length == 0 ? "" : m.Descendants("Identifiers").Elements("MarketplaceASIN").Elements("ASIN").FirstOrDefault().Value),
                                       Height = (string)(sr == null || sr.Value.Length == 0 ? "" : sr.Descendants("ItemDimensions").Elements("Height").FirstOrDefault().Value),
                                       Length = (m == null || m.Value.Length == 0 ? "" : sr.Descendants("ItemDimensions").Elements("Length").FirstOrDefault().Value),
                                       Width = (m == null || m.Value.Length == 0 ? "" : sr.Descendants("ItemDimensions").Elements("Width").FirstOrDefault().Value),
                                       Weight = (m == null || m.Value.Length == 0 ? "" : sr.Descendants("ItemDimensions").Elements("Weight").FirstOrDefault().Value),


1 Ответов



Во-первых, у вас есть ошибка в образце XML-данных в строке# 443.

Я бы сопоставил классы с XML - данными и преобразовал их. Но если вы хотите вручную прочитать xml-данные, то вы можете сделать что-то вроде этого:

var doc = XDocument.Parse(rawXml);

var products = doc.Descendants()
                  .SelectMany(x => x.Elements("Product"));

foreach (var product in products)
    var itemDimensions = product.Descendants()
                                .SelectMany(x => x.Elements("ItemDimensions"))
    if (itemDimensions != null)
        var heightElement = itemDimensions.Elements("Height");
        var heightUnits = heightElement.Attributes()
                                       .Where(x => x.Name == "Units")
                                       .Select(x => x.Value)
        var heightVale = heightElement.First().Value;

        var lengthElement = itemDimensions.Elements("Length");
        var lengthUnits = lengthElement.Attributes()
                                       .Where(x => x.Name == "Units")
                                       .Select(x => x.Value)
        var lengthValue = lengthElement.First().Value;

        // other elements to be implemented here...

Richard Deeming

В этом нет необходимости. .Descendants().SelectMany(x => x.Elements("name")) - вы можете просто использовать .Descendants("name") вместо.

Кроме того, если вы замените itemDimensions.Elements("x") с itemDimensions.Element("x"), затем x.Attributes().Where(x => x.Name == "name").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault() может быть заменен на (string)x.Attribute("name").

Но вам понадобится нулевая проверка элементов измерения, так как некоторые продукты не включают высоту или длину.

var products = doc.Descendants("Product");
foreach (var product in products)
    var itemDimensions = product.Descendants("ItemDimensions").FirstOrDefault();
    if (itemDimensions != null)
        var heightElement = itemDimensions.Element("Height");
        var heightUnits = (string)heightElement?.Attribute("Units");
        var heightValue = (string)heightElement;

        var lengthElement = itemDimensions.Element("Length");
        var lengthUnits = (string)lengthElement?.Attribute("Units");
        var lengthValue = (string)lengthElement;

        // other elements to be implemented here...


Спасибо, Ричард... код был скомпонован быстро, без оптимизации.