Как мы можем вручную реализовать веб-аддон для приложения C# для записи и воспроизведения событий
I've seen so many web add-ons that are integrated will start and do actions according to the command given by the c# application. Is grpc a good option or any other ipcs??
Что я уже пробовал:
I tried using named pipe stream to establish a connection between the browser and the WPF application. but I faced difficulty when the pipe is broken there is an issue in reconnecting the channel, and the application breaks. Also, there was an issue that after the browser closed the addon will run background and raises performance issues. but named pipe wrapper gives a good performance but I can't use it since I have to implement in .netcore. then I tried using netMQ but we will not get reliable communication using netMQ means for each request we have to give acknowledgement, sometimes this is not possible for the web addon and WPF application communication. so I dropped that. Please help me with this. How can I implement a web addon which is getting controlled from the WPF application?
Gerry Schmitz
Если вы прыгаете от одного паттерна к другому только потому, что у вас есть некоторые проблемы, вы никогда ничего не добьетесь. Редко бывает так, что решение не требует некоторой настройки / настройки.
"Иногда" - это не то же самое, что "всегда".