Как настроить CAN-коммуникацию с помощью softing canusb?
Здравствуйте Эксперты,
Мне трудно установить связь с микроконтроллером с помощью CAN-шины. Мой проект вошел в предел устройства, поэтому я должен использовать несколько устройств и управлять всеми из них через CAN-шину. Я ищу везде, но не могу помочь мне с API CAN Layer2, который я использую. Я действительно Новичок в программировании CAN.
Используемая библиотека DLL:
Ниже приведен пример c-кодов от Softing, но я не уверен, как использовать их с VC++.
Заранее спасибо.
Что я уже пробовал:
#include "can_def.h" // dll import and export definitions #include "canL2.h" // definition of the API functions an the structures
main() { int ret; CANL2_CH_STRUCT ch1, ch2; CAN_HANDLE can1, can2; L2CONFIG L2Config[2]; char custom, *pName[2] = {NULL,NULL}; PCHDSNAPSHOT pBuffer = NULL; unsigned long u32NeededBufferSize, u32NumOfChannels, u32ProvidedBufferSize, channelIndex; int sw_version, fw_version, hw_version, license, chip_type, i;
printf ("Analyzing your system ...\n"); u32ProvidedBufferSize = 0; // call the function without a valid buffer size first to get the needed buffersize in "u32NeededBufferSize" ret = CANL2_get_all_CAN_channels(0, &u32NeededBufferSize, &u32NumOfChannels, NULL); if(!u32NumOfChannels) { printf("you have no Softing CAN interface card plugged in your Computer!\n"); printf("plug a interface card first and start this program again after this.\n"); custom=getch(); exit(0); } if(ret) { printf("The driver reported a problem: Error Code %x\n", ret); custom=getch(); exit(0); } pBuffer = malloc(u32NeededBufferSize); if(!pBuffer) { printf("Out of memory\n"); custom=getch(); exit(0); } u32ProvidedBufferSize = u32NeededBufferSize; ret = CANL2_get_all_CAN_channels(u32ProvidedBufferSize, &u32NeededBufferSize, &u32NumOfChannels, pBuffer); if(ret) { printf("The driver reported a problem: Error Code %x\n", ret); custom=getch(); free(pBuffer); exit(0); } printf("You have %u Softing CAN channels in your system\n\n", u32NumOfChannels); printf("\tname\t\t serialnumber\t type\t\t chan.\t open\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n"); for(channelIndex=0; channelIndex<u32NumOfChannels; channelIndex++) { PCHDSNAPSHOT pCh = &pBuffer[channelIndex]; printf("% 17s\t %09u % 18s\t %2u\t % 5s\n", pCh->ChannelName, pCh->u32Serial, getDeviceType(pCh->u32DeviceType), pCh->u32PhysCh, (pCh->bIsOpen) ? "yes" : "no"); if(!pCh->bIsOpen) { if(ch<2) { pName[ch] = pCh->ChannelName; ch++; } } } if(ch < 2) { if(ch == 0) { printf("\nAll CAN channels are used by other applications!\n"); printf("Type <return> to exit program!\n"); custom=getch(); free(pBuffer); exit(0); } printf("\nYou have only 1 channel plugged, the commands for the second channel will not \n"); printf("be available!\n"); printf("Type <return> to proceed!\n"); custom=getch(); } L2Config[0].bEnableAck = GET_FROM_SCIM; L2Config[0].bEnableErrorframe = GET_FROM_SCIM; L2Config[0].s32AccCodeStd = GET_FROM_SCIM; L2Config[0].s32AccCodeXtd = GET_FROM_SCIM; L2Config[0].s32AccMaskStd = GET_FROM_SCIM; L2Config[0].s32AccMaskXtd = GET_FROM_SCIM; L2Config[0].s32OutputCtrl = GET_FROM_SCIM; L2Config[0].s32Prescaler = GET_FROM_SCIM; L2Config[0].s32Sam = GET_FROM_SCIM; L2Config[0].s32Sjw = GET_FROM_SCIM; L2Config[0].s32Tseg1 = GET_FROM_SCIM; L2Config[0].s32Tseg2 = GET_FROM_SCIM; memcpy(&L2Config[1], &L2Config[0], sizeof(L2CONFIG)); strcpy(ch1.sChannelName,pName[0]); if(ch > 1) { strcpy(ch2.sChannelName,pName[1]); } /* strcpy(ch1.sChannelName,"Softing1"); strcpy(ch2.sChannelName,"Softing2"); */ if(ch > 1) { printf("\ninitializing %s and %s\n", ch1.sChannelName, ch2.sChannelName); } else { printf("\ninitializing %s\n", ch1.sChannelName); } printf("Initialization started...\n"); free(pBuffer); ret = INIL2_initialize_channel(&ch1.ulChannelHandle, ch1.sChannelName); if(ret) { printf("Error %u in INIL2_initialize_channel()\n",ret); custom=getch(); return ret; } can1 = ch1.ulChannelHandle; if(ch > 1) { ret = INIL2_initialize_channel(&ch2.ulChannelHandle, ch2.sChannelName); if(ret) { printf("Error %u in INIL2_initialize_channel()\n",ret); custom=getch(); return ret; } can2 = ch2.ulChannelHandle; } else { can2 = (CAN_HANDLE)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } ret = PrepareForIntEvents(&L2Config[0], &can1, &L2Config[1], &can2); if(ret) { printf("Error %u in PrepareForIntEvents()\n",ret); custom=getch(); return ret; } ret = CANL2_initialize_fifo_mode(can1, &L2Config[0]); if(ret) { printf("Error %u in CANL2_initialize_fifo_mode()\n",ret); printf("please configure the channel by the SCIM first\n"); custom=getch(); // use start->control panel->can for configuration of the card settings! return ret; } if(ch > 1) { ret = CANL2_initialize_fifo_mode(can2, &L2Config[1]); if(ret) { printf("Error %u in CANL2_initialize_fifo_mode()\n",ret); printf("please configure the channel by the SCIM first\n"); custom=getch(); // use start->control panel->can for configuration of the card settings! return ret; } } ret = CANL2_get_version(can1, &sw_version, &fw_version, &hw_version, &license, &chip_type); if(ret) { printf("Error %u in CANL2_get_version(CAN1)\n",ret); } printf("\n VERSION INFO CAN1: \n\n"); printf(" - Software version: %u.%02u\n", sw_version/100, sw_version%100); printf(" - Firmware version: %u.%02u\n", fw_version/100, fw_version%100); printf(" - Hardware version: %x.%02x\n", hw_version/0x100, hw_version%0x100); printf(" - CAN chip : %s\n", (chip_type==1000)? "SJA1000": (chip_type==161) ? "Infineon XC161" : "Infineon XE164"); if(ch > 1) { ret = CANL2_get_version(can2, &sw_version, &fw_version, &hw_version, &license, &chip_type); if(ret) { printf("Error %u in CANL2_get_version(CAN1)\n",ret); } printf("\n VERSION INFO CAN2: \n\n"); printf(" - Software version: %u.%02u\n", sw_version/100, sw_version%100); printf(" - Firmware version: %u.%02u\n", fw_version/100, fw_version%100); printf(" - Hardware version: %x.%02x\n", hw_version/0x100, hw_version%0x100); printf(" - CAN chip : %s\n", (chip_type==1000)? "SJA1000": (chip_type==161) ? "Infineon XC161" : "Infineon XE164"); printf("The 2 channels are online now!\n\n"); } else { printf("\n\nThe CAN channel is online now, a second channel is not available!\n\n"); } custom = 'h'; do // loop { Sleep(0); // User request ret=UserRequestFIFO(custom, can1, can2); // Loop till user request while (!kbhit()) { }// end while custom=getch(); if (ret < 0) { printf("-->User request failed \n"); INIL2_close_channel(can1); if(ch > 1) { INIL2_close_channel(can2); } return(-1); } } while (custom != 'q'); // End inner loop SetEvent(hThreadEvents[1]); WaitForSingleObject(hIntThread[0], 2000); if(ch > 1) { SetEvent(hThreadEvents[3]); WaitForSingleObject(hIntThread[1], 2000); } for(i=0; i<((ch>1)? 2 : 1); i++) { CloseHandle(hIntThread[i]); } for(i=0; i<((ch>1)? 4 : 2); i++) { CloseHandle(hThreadEvents[i]); } INIL2_close_channel(can1); if(ch > 1) { INIL2_close_channel(can2); } return ret; }