Как навсегда отключить кнопку с помощью javascript в ASP.NET?
I've created a countdown timer using javascript in asp.net. After completion of time, Button1 becomes disabled, but when I reload the page, the countdown timer is reset and Button1 is enabled. I want to permanently disable Button1 when timer is equal to zero. My code is:
Что я уже пробовал:
var tim; var min = 01; var sec = 00; var f = new Date(); function f1() { f2(); } function f2() { if (parseInt(sec) > 0) { sec = parseInt(sec) - 1; document.getElementById("showtime").innerHTML = ""+min+" Minutes ,"+sec+" Seconds"; tim = setTimeout("f2()", 1000); } else { if (parseInt(sec) == 0) { min = parseInt(min) - 1; if (parseInt(min) == -1) { clearTimeout(tim); $("#Button1").prop('disabled', true); } else { sec = 60; document.getElementById("showtime").innerHTML = "" + min + " Minutes ," + sec + " Seconds"; tim = setTimeout("f2()", 1000); } } } }
<body onload="f1()"> <div><h3>Time will be finished after:</h3> </div> <div id="showtime"></div> <div> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Submit"/></div>` </body>