Как получить неизвестное целое число с веб-страницы
I am wanting to get some information from a webpage but do not know exactly what the information is going to be. This is the line of HTML which I am trying to read in which I am trying to read the number 0 <span class="robux" style="margin-left:5px">0</span> My problem is that the number can be any number and I am unsure how to get it because of this. To ensure I explain what I want to do; I want to find X in this piece of HTML which could be any number <span class="robux" style="margin-left:5px">0</span> I then want to display the number in a Listbox (Not an issue) but I am unable to work out how to find the number considering that it will change.
Что я уже пробовал:
Я не смог ничего найти в интернете, поэтому ничего не пробовал