Как получить правильный вывод
/*Write a program in c to store employee details in a structure named employee. Store address of employee in another structure named address which is nested . Then print the total information of the employee uing the concept of nested structure.*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct address { char adrs[30]; }; struct employee { int empid; char name[20]; char mobno[10]; struct address ads; }; int main() { int n,i; struct employee *p; printf("The size of the array =>"); scanf("%d",&n); p=(struct employee*)malloc(n*sizeof(struct employee)); printf("\nThe Employee details :\n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("\n\nenter employee id\n\n"); scanf("%d",&p[i].empid); printf("\nname\n"); scanf("%s",p[i].name); printf("\nmobile number\n");="" scanf("%s",p[i].mobno); printf("\naddress\n"); scanf("%s",p[i].ads.adrs); } free(p); printf("\nthe details are :"); for(i="0;i<n;i++) printf("\n\nemployee printf("%d",p[i].empid); printf("\n\nname\n"); printf("%s",p[i].name); printf("%s",p[i].mobno); printf("\n\naddress\n"); printf("%s",p[i].ads.adrs); return 0; }
Что я уже пробовал:
Динамическое выделение памяти.
Использование структур.
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