Как получить текст из table_of_contents и индексов в документе word с помощью wordinterop C#
Дорогие Все,
Я создал приложение шаблона MsOffice в windows, используя office interop в C#.
Я хочу получить текст из table_of_contents и индексов, которые уже находятся в документе word.
Mycode в:
Что я уже пробовал:
public static bool EvaluateTableOfContents(IQuestion question, string filename) { WordInterop.Application wordApplication = GetOrCreateWordApplication(question.ObjectStore); try { //Avoid screen flickering or unwanted alerts while initializing wordApplication.ScreenUpdating = false; WordInterop.WdAlertLevel displayAlertLevel = wordApplication.DisplayAlerts; wordApplication.DisplayAlerts = WordInterop.WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone; WordInterop.Document wordDocument = wordApplication.Documents.Open(filename); bool result = false; WordInterop.TablesOfContents TOC = wordDocument.TablesOfContents; TOC. result = TOC.Count > 0;//want to retrieve text as well. wordDocument.Close(); return result; } catch (Exception) { Cleanup(question.ObjectStore, true); } return false; }
public static bool EvaluateIndexes(IQuestion question, string filename) { WordInterop.Application wordApplication = GetOrCreateWordApplication(question.ObjectStore); try { //Avoid screen flickering or unwanted alerts while initializing wordApplication.ScreenUpdating = false; WordInterop.WdAlertLevel displayAlertLevel = wordApplication.DisplayAlerts; wordApplication.DisplayAlerts = WordInterop.WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone; WordInterop.Document wordDocument = wordApplication.Documents.Open(filename); bool result = false; WordInterop.Indexes ind = wordDocument.Indexes; result = ind.Count > 0;//how to retrieve text? wordDocument.Close(); return result; } catch (Exception) { Cleanup(question.ObjectStore, true); } return false; }
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