Как преобразовать этот код Python в код C?
import os, Image, ImageColor, ImageDraw from collections import deque def floodfill(img, (startx, starty), targetcolour, newcolour, dumpEveryX=70, pattern=None, useQueue=False, startIndex=0): if useQueue: workpile = deque(); getpoint = workpile.popleft else: workpile = [] getpoint = workpile.pop max=0 count=0 workpile.append((startx,starty)) while len(workpile)> 0: x,y=getpoint() if len(workpile)> max: max=len(workpile) if img.getpixel((x,y)) == targetcolour: img.putpixel((x,y), newcolour) # every few pixels drawn, dump an image showing our progress count += 1 if (count%dumpEveryX)==0 and pattern != None: img.save(pattern %(startIndex+count)) # this demo code doesn't handle the case where we get to the edge if img.getpixel((x-1,y))== targetcolour: workpile.append((x-1,y)) if img.getpixel((x+1,y))== targetcolour: workpile.append((x+1,y)) if img.getpixel((x,y-1))== targetcolour: workpile.append((x,y-1)) if img.getpixel((x,y+1))== targetcolour: workpile.append((x,y+1)) print ' done with count %d, max %d' % (count,max) return count def make_floodfill_example(filename, use_queue): print 'making image '+filename print ' removing old files' os.system('rm -f out*.png ' +filename ) i = Image.new('RGB', (200,200), 'white') # draw a rough ying-yang draw = ImageDraw.Draw(i) draw.ellipse((30,30,170,170), outline='black') draw.arc((65,100,135,170), 90,270, fill='black') draw.arc((64,30,134,100), 270,90, fill='black') draw.ellipse((80,45,120,85), outline='black') draw.ellipse((80,115,120,155), outline='black') del draw print ' filling' redcount = floodfill(i, (100, 90), (255,255,255), #white (255,0,0), #red useQueue = use_queue, pattern='out_%05d.png') print ' filling' bluecount = floodfill(i, (110,110), (255,255,255), # white (0,0,255), # blue useQueue = use_queue, pattern='out_%05d.png', startIndex=redcount) # push some extra frames of animation so we can see the finished fill for x in range(redcount+bluecount,redcount+bluecount+20): i.save('out_%05d.png' %(x)) print ' converting to animated GIF - this may take several minutes' os.system ('convert -loop 0 out*.png '+filename) # draw one example image using a FIFO as the means of storing points, # and another using a LIFO. make_floodfill_example('wfm_floodfill_animation_queue.gif', True) make_floodfill_example('wfm_floodfill_animation_stack.gif', False) print 'done'
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