Как преобразовать набор данных с несколькими датируемый в JSON?
I want to serialize multiple DataTables to JSON which are interrelated and it is possible there will be additional table are all set in the mapping table. In this case, I have 4 DataTables. This is my first time using JSON, and I have found it really tricky to find a simple way of doing this. I have been using a StringBuilder at the moment to create a JSON string from the information in the dataset, but I have heard that it is possible to do this very simply with .NET 3.5 using the System.Runtime.Serialization namespace, though I have yet to find a simple article or blog on how this is done! What is the easiest way to do this?
Что я уже пробовал:
I want JSON in below format. {quiz": { "Id": 2, "name": "C# and .Net Framework", "description": "C# and .Net Quiz (contains C#, .Net Framework, Linq, etc.)" }, "config":{ "shuffleQuestions": true, "showPager": false, "allowBack": true, "autoMove": true }, "questions": [{ "Id": 1010, "Name": "Which of the following assemblies can be stored in Global Assembly Cache?", "QuestionTypeId": 1, "Options": [ { "Id": 1055, "QuestionId": 1010, "Name": "Private Assemblies", "IsAnswer": false }, { "Id": 1056, "QuestionId": 1010, "Name": "Friend Assemblies", "IsAnswer": false }, { "Id": 1057, "QuestionId": 1010, "Name": "Public Assemblies", "IsAnswer": false }, { "Id": 1058, "QuestionId": 1010, "Name": "Shared Assemblies", "IsAnswer": true }], "QuestionType": { "Id": 1, "Name": "Multiple Choice", "IsActive": true } }, { "Id": 1011, "Name": "Which of the following .NET components can be used to remove unused references from the managed heap?", "QuestionTypeId": 1, "Options": [ { "Id": 1055, "QuestionId": 1010, "Name": "Language Infrastructure", "IsAnswer": false }, { "Id": 1056, "QuestionId": 1010, "Name": "CLR", "IsAnswer": false }, { "Id": 1057, "QuestionId": 1010, "Name": "Garbage Collector", "IsAnswer": true }, { "Id": 1058, "QuestionId": 1010, "Name": "Class Loader", "IsAnswer": false }, { "Id": 1058, "QuestionId": 1010, "Name": "CTS", "IsAnswer": false }], "QuestionType": { "Id": 1, "Name": "Multiple Choice", "IsActive": true } }, }] }
вы можете использовать класс javascriptserializer, чтобы сериализовать список<словарь на<строка, объект&ГТ;&ГТ;
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.script.serialization.javascriptserializer(v=vs. 110).aspx