Как расположить данные в файле на языке Си?
Номер,имя,удостоверение личности,Pin-код,депозит,дата
1,Билал Хан,1111111111111,1122,100,11-10-2020
2,Али Ахмед,2222222222222,6677,100,11-10-2020
3,Билал Хан,1111111111111,1122,50,11-10-2020
5,Билал Хан,1111111111111,1122,70,11-10-2020
6,Али Ахмед,2222222222222,6677,250,11-10-2020
**Требуемая производительность**
Номер,имя,удостоверение личности,Pin-код,депозит,дата
1,Билал Хан,1111111111111,1122,100,11-10-2020
5,Билал Хан,1111111111111,1122,70,11-10-2020
3,Билал Хан,1111111111111,1122,50,11-10-2020
2,Али Ахмед,2222222222222,6677,100,11-10-2020
6,Али Ахмед,2222222222222,6677,250,11-10-2020
Что я уже пробовал:
I write data to the CSV file in C. The data are written in a random way but I want to arrange them. I don't want to be specific about them that to arrange this account first or that account second but I just want to arrange the data of one account *like* number one, three, and five are the same accounts but they are not arranged. Same with number two and six. They are the same accounts but not arranged and combined. So how to do this in C?