Member 14985652 Ответов: 0

Как реализовать этот простой агрегат (nodejs, TS, mongoose)

im creating an api for school project using node, typescript and moongose and i have a question about this:.

I have an agregate that have, as agregate root, the Entity "Path".

This path have some simple fields like name or whatever and an array ( or list) of "PathNodes"

PathNodes is an Entity inside this agregate but dont have an id ( teacher said that, whatever it means)

Path nodes have 2 Nodes, one inicial node and one final node -Node is the Entity of another agregate and is already implemented.

My question is how should i implement both the domain class of Path and PathNode and also how to implement the Schema for this ( i know i could use the schema as "domain" classes but teacher dont want that).

What im thinking is somehting like this

                                ---PathNode.ts ---
  import Node from '...' 

 Class PathNode 
 private Inicialnode : Node
 private FinalNode : Node  
constructor(nodei:Node, nodef:Node   ){ 
this.Inicialnode =nodei; this.FinalNode  =nodef;

                                ---PathNodeSchema.js --- Shcema{  
nodei: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Node' },
 nodef: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Node' },} }    

                                    ---Path.ts ---  

import PathNode from '...' 

 Class Path  

private name: String 
 private PathNode: PathNode[]; 

   constructor(obj :PathDTO   ){ =;
 for(pathNodes of obj.pathnodes){ 
this.pathNodesTemp = new PathNode(pathNodes ); 

                             ---PathSchema.js --- Shcema{  name: String ,
 PathNode:[ { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'PathNodes' }],  } 

What do you think of this? im also confused becouse i have a repository for path, but not for pathnodes as path is the agregate root. Inside the repository if i do PathSchema.create(path) will it create the path document along with the pathnodes? Or do i need to PathNodeSchema.create(pathNode) first?

as Path have a list of PathNodes, maybe PathNode should reference the Path it belongs to instead of Path referencing many PathNodes? If yes how should i implement it?

Thank you

Что я уже пробовал:

Единственное, что я пробовал до сих пор, - это реализовать еще более простой агрегат узлов, используя в этом проекте архитектуру typedi и onion

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