Rohith Reddy Vadiyala Ответов: 0

Как реализовать SSO, аутентификацию ADFS и аутентификацию SAML в моем одностраничном приложении (MVC с angularjs 1.3.x) и веб-API (ASP .NET WEB API 2.0)

hi, I'm verrrrrrrrrrry new to the concept of SSO, ADFS and SAML. we are trying to implement this on our Application.

The following are the things that are mostly needed:
>> What is a reply party URL and what does the URL must display when we run it (like is it any XML meta-data that must be in the URL)
>> How to authenticate the SAML request from angularJs app to ADFS server (any code sample would be appreciated)
>> Procedure to be followed at the Hosted application end to implement SSO (any documentation/article link).

Note: We don't want to use any Third party tool for Identity Provider(IDP) (like Auth0). Actually can we make it work without any third party IDP.
Is WSFederation and SAML are two different approaches. Our client company uses SAML tokens for communication.

Thanks for your patience in reading this,
sorry if my English is bad.

Что я уже пробовал:

We tried to INSTALL and RUN a ADFS server. We are unable to establish a connection bw our test application and the ADFS server which are in different domains. I ve gone through some of the articles and videos but everything includes ADFS setup and configuration. 


Есть ли у вас настройка сервера для прокси-сервера службы Федерации?

Rohith Reddy Vadiyala

да, мы настроили службу ADFS, которая взаимодействует с AD.


Использует ли сервер ADFS в домене прокси-сервер?

Rohith Reddy Vadiyala

мы не используем никаких прокси. У нас есть сервер ADFS и сервер размещенных приложений в разных доменах.

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