Naveed Alam Ответов: 1

Как сделать что OAuth2 маркер доступа для веб-перехватчики для связи c быстрая-книги онлайн?

I had successfully written a code for Webhooks integration with quick-books online and when any change happens in qbo i am getting a response in my code but after that when i am going to call CDC method then access token is not available to me. now how to solve that case

Что я уже пробовал:

I had successfully written a code for Webhooks integration with quick-books online and when any change happens in qbo i am getting a response in my code but after that when i am going to call CDC method then access token is not available to me. now how to solve that case

1 Ответов


Gerry Schmitz

Поговорите с Quick Books; ваше описание проблемы не будет иметь смысла ни для кого другого.