Как создать базовый банковский счет с заданными реквизитами?.
Having acquired basic skills in C++, I've been learning OOP in C++ for a week now, and after successfully writing very simple programs, I got stuck with a question in a revision exercise I came across. I'm still a beginner in as far as C++ structures are concerned, and will appreciate your guidance/assistance on this. Question: Create a C++ program with a class Account Data members: 1.accountName 2.openBalance 3.deposit Member methods: 1.getdetails() 2.calculatecurrentbalance()
Что я уже пробовал:
<#include<iostream> using namespace std; //My first attempt in creating class, data members and member methods.. class Account getdetails() calculatecurrentbalance() // I'm not sure I'm right...and do not know how to continue... { char accountName; double openBalance; double deposit;{ {Account() {Balance=0.0;} } >