Как вы форматируете компакт - диск с LFS под управлением программы
I am writing a program that deals with CDs. I would like to programmatically be able to format the CD with a Live File System (LFS) with no user interaction.
Что я уже пробовал:
I have searched for an API that would do this, but there is little information available on LFS. I have found the SHFormatDrive function which will format using LFS, but this requires user input which does not integrate well with my program. I have also tried IDiscFormat2Data and related calls, but these APIs only seem to deal with Mastered Disc Formats. If anyone can point me in direction to find information formatting with LFS, I would greatly appreciate it.
Gerry Schmitz
Люди больше не "пишут" компакт-диски; они используют флэш-накопители.