Как я использую .h и .cpp?
Я пытаюсь отформатировать его в .h и .cpp. Я не знаю, как это на самом деле должно быть сделано. вот что у меня есть. Кроме того, я не знаю, что делать с измерением погоды. Спасибо
Код на языке C++ :
#include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include<string> #include <stdlib.h> #include<vector> #include<sstream> using namespace std; struct WindMeasurement { double windspeed; string windDirection; }; struct TemperatrueMeasurement { double temperature; }; struct Weather_Station { string name; TemperatrueMeasurement temperatureMeasure; WindMeasurement windMeasure; }; string DisplayMenu(string station_name) { string str, temp; do { cout << "*******************WEATHER STATION: " << station_name\ << " *******************" << endl << endl; cout << "I. Input a complete weather reading." << endl; cout << "P. Print the current weather." << "\n"; cout << "H. Print the weather history (from most recent to oldest)." << endl; cout << "E. Exit the program." << "\n"; cout << "Enter your choice: " << endl; cin >> str; temp = str; for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) temp[i] = toupper(str[i]); str = temp; } while (!(str == "I" || str == "P" || str == "H" || str == "E")); return str; } double getTemperature() { double temp; string temp_string; stringstream converter; cout << "Enter the temperature: "; cin >> temp_string; converter << temp_string; converter >> temp; return temp; } double getWindSpeed() { bool initialized = false; double temp; string temp_string; stringstream converter; //this loop will be iterated continuously untill user enters windspeed which is greater than zero do { cout << "Enter Wind speed(>=0): "; cin >> temp_string; converter << temp_string; converter >> temp; if (temp <= 0) cout << "Wind speed should be always greater or equal to 0(zero)"; } while (temp < 0); return temp; } string getWindDirection() { string temp_string, temp; do { cout << "Enter the Wind Direction (North,South,East,West): "; cin >> temp_string; temp = temp_string; for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < temp_string.length(); ++i) temp[i] = toupper(temp_string[i]); } while (!(temp == "NORTH" || temp == "SOUTH" || temp == "EAST" || temp == "WEST")); temp_string = temp; return temp_string; }; void printWeather(Weather_Station ws) { cout << "Station Name " << ws.name << endl; cout << "Temperature " << ws.temperatureMeasure.temperature << endl; cout << "Wind Direction " << ws.windMeasure.windDirection << endl; cout << "Wind Speed " << ws.windMeasure.windspeed << endl; cout << endl; } int main() { //Have the user provide a name for the weather station upon entry. vector<Weather_Station> myStation; Weather_Station myWeather_Details; string station_name, input_choice; int histCount = 0; cout << "Enter the name of Weather Station: "; getline(cin, station_name); myWeather_Details.name = station_name; while (1) { //Control loop to perform various actions input_choice = DisplayMenu(station_name); if (input_choice == "I") { // get the details int valid_wind_direction = 0, valid_wind_speed = 0; myWeather_Details.temperatureMeasure.temperature = getTemperature(); // get temperature myWeather_Details.windMeasure.windDirection = getWindDirection(); //get wind direction myWeather_Details.windMeasure.windspeed = getWindSpeed(); //get wind direction if (myWeather_Details.windMeasure.windspeed >= 0) { valid_wind_speed = 1; } if ((myWeather_Details.windMeasure.windDirection == "NORTH") || (myWeather_Details.windMeasure.windDirection == "SOUTH") || (myWeather_Details.windMeasure.windDirection == "EAST") || (myWeather_Details.windMeasure.windDirection == "WEST")) { valid_wind_direction = 1; } //store the details if (valid_wind_direction && valid_wind_speed) myStation.push_back(myWeather_Details); } else if (input_choice == "P") { cout << "*************Printing Current Weather*************" << endl; printWeather(myStation.back()); } else if (input_choice == "H") { //this loop will be iterated continuously untill user gives the input count more than 0 and it is not greater than available record count in vector do { cout << "Number of readings entered: " << myStation.size() << endl; cout << "Please enter how many records you want" << "\n"; cin >> histCount; if (histCount <= 0) cout << "Input record count should always be greater than 0(zero)" << "\n"; else if (histCount >> myStation.size()) cout << "Input record count shouldn't be more than available record count" << "\n"; } while (histCount <= 0 || histCount >> myStation.size()); cout << "*************Printing Weather History*************" << endl; vector<Weather_Station>::reverse_iterator rit; for (rit = myStation.rbegin(); rit != myStation.rend(); rit++) printWeather(*rit); } else if (input_choice == "E") { exit(0); } } return 0; }
#pragma once double temperature;
#pragma once string windDirection; double windSpeed;
#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h" #include "temperature.h" double temp; string temp_string; stringstream converter; cout << "Enter the temperature: "; cin >> temp_string; converter << temp_string; converter >> temp; return temp;
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdafx.h" #include "wind.h" double getWindSpeed() { double temp; string temp_string; stringstream converter; //this loop will be iterated continuously untill user enters windspeed which is greater than zero cout << "Enter Wind speed(>=0): "; cin >> temp_string; converter << temp_string; converter >> temp; if (temp < 0) { cout << "Wind speed should be always greater than or equal to 0(zero)"; } return temp; } string getWindDirection() { string temp_string, temp; do { cout << "Enter the Wind Direction (North,South,East,West): "; cin >> temp_string; temp = temp_string; for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < temp_string.length(); ++i) temp[i] = toupper(temp_string[i]); } while (!(temp == "NORTH" || temp == "SOUTH" || temp == "EAST" || temp == "WEST")); temp_string = temp; return temp_string; };
Что я уже пробовал:
Я новичок в программировании, поэтому даже не знаю, как его начать.
Вместо того, чтобы начинать новый поток, вы должны просто обновить поток, который вы начали вчера.
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Хорошо, но не могли бы вы мне помочь? Это действительно доставляет мне неприятности
Тебе нужно начать читать по-настоящему.
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