Как я могу исправить удалить способ на БСТ?
Мой метод удаления для BST работает неправильно. Я продолжаю получать исключения нулевого указателя и не думаю, что на самом деле что-то удаляю.
Вот мой класс, который использует этот основной метод:
import java.io.*; import java.util.*; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class BSTNode<T> { T key; BSTNode<T> left,right; BSTNode( T key, BSTNode<T> left, BSTNode<T> right ) { this.key = key; this.left = left; this.right = right; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Queue<T> { LinkedList<BSTNode<T>> queue; Queue() { queue = new LinkedList<BSTNode<T>>(); } boolean empty() { return queue.size() == 0; } void enqueue( BSTNode<T> node ) { queue.addLast( node ); } BSTNode<T> dequeue() { return queue.removeFirst(); } // THROWS NO SUCH ELEMENT EXCEPTION IF Q EMPTY } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class BSTreeP6<T> { private BSTNode<T> root; private boolean addAttemptWasDupe=false; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public BSTreeP6( String infileName ) throws Exception { root=null; Scanner infile = new Scanner( new File( infileName ) ); while ( infile.hasNext() ) add( (T) infile.next() ); // THIS CAST RPODUCES THE WARNING infile.close(); } public int size() { return countNodes(); } // DUPES BOUNCE OFF & RETURN FALSE ELSE INCR COUNT & RETURN TRUE @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean add( T key ) { addAttemptWasDupe=false; root = addHelper( this.root, key ); return !addAttemptWasDupe; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private BSTNode<T> addHelper( BSTNode<T> root, T key ) { if (root == null) return new BSTNode<T>(key,null,null); int comp = ((Comparable)key).compareTo( root.key ); if ( comp == 0 ) { addAttemptWasDupe=true; return root; } else if (comp < 0) root.left = addHelper( root.left, key ); else root.right = addHelper( root.right, key ); return root; } // END addHelper // ITS A SEARCH - ONE OF FEW OPS YOU CAN DO ITERATIVELY public boolean contains( T key ) { return contains( this.root, key ); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean contains( BSTNode<T> root, T key ) { if (root == null) return false; int comp = ((Comparable)key).compareTo( root.key ); if ( comp == 0 ) return true; if (comp < 0) return contains(root.left, key ); return contains(root.right, key ); } public int countNodes() { return countNodes( root ); } private int countNodes( BSTNode root) { if (root==null) return 0; return 1 + countNodes(root.left) + countNodes(root.right); } public int countLevels() { return countLevels( root ); } private int countLevels( BSTNode root) { if (root==null) return 0; return 1 + Math.max( countLevels(root.left), countLevels(root.right) ); } public int[] calcLevelCounts() { int levelCounts[] = new int[countLevels()]; calcLevelCounts( root, levelCounts, 0 ); return levelCounts; } private void calcLevelCounts( BSTNode root, int levelCounts[], int level ) { if (root==null)return; ++levelCounts[level]; calcLevelCounts( root.left, levelCounts, level+1 ); calcLevelCounts( root.right, levelCounts, level+1 ); } // INORDER TRAVERSAL REQUIRES RECURSION public void printInOrder() { printInOrder( this.root ); System.out.println(); } private void printInOrder( BSTNode<T> root ) { if (root == null) return; printInOrder( root.left ); System.out.print( root.key + " " ); printInOrder( root.right ); } public void printLevelOrder() { if (this.root == null) return; Queue<T> q = new Queue<T>(); q.enqueue( this.root ); // this. just for emphasis/clarity while ( !q.empty() ) { BSTNode<T> n = q.dequeue(); System.out.print( n.key + " " ); if ( n.left != null ) q.enqueue( n.left ); if ( n.right != null ) q.enqueue( n.right ); } } // # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # // DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE. YOU FILL IN ALL THE CODE BELOW // # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # // return true only if it finds/removes the node public boolean remove( T key2remove ) { return remove(this.root, key2remove); } private BSTNode<T> miniElement(BSTNode<T> root) { if(root.left == null) return root; else return miniElement(root.left); } private BSTNode<T> removeMin(BSTNode<T> root) { if (root.left != null) { return removeMin(root.left); } if(root.right == null) { root.left = null; } else { root.left = removeMin(root.right); } return root; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean remove (BSTNode<T> root, T key2remove) { if(root == null) return false; T rootData = root.key; int comp = ((Comparable)key2remove).compareTo(rootData); if (comp == 0) { if (root.left == null && root.right == null) { root = null; return true; } else if (root.left != null && root.right != null) { BSTNode<T> temp = root; BSTNode<T> thing = miniElement(root.left); root.key = thing.key; removeMin(root.right); return true; } else if(root.left == null && root.right != null) { root= root.right; return true; } else if(root.left != null && root.right == null) { root = root.left; return true; } } if (comp < 0) { if (root.left.key.equals(key2remove)) { if (root.left.left == null || root.left.right == null) { root.left = null; return true; } else if (root.left.left != null && root.left.right != null) { BSTNode<T> temp = root.left; BSTNode<T> thing = miniElement(root.left.left); root.key = thing.key; removeMin(root.left.right); return true; } else if(root.left.left == null && root.left.right != null) { root.left = root.left.right; return true; } else if(root.left.left != null && root.left.right == null) { root.left = root.left.left; return true; } } return remove(root.left, key2remove); } if (comp > 0) { if (root.right.key.equals(key2remove)) { if (root.right.right == null || root.right.left == null) { root.right = null; return true; } else if (root.right.left != null && root.right.right != null) { BSTNode<T> temp = root.right; BSTNode<T> thing = miniElement(root.right.left); root.key = thing.key; removeMin(root.right.right); return true; } else if(root.right.left == null && root.right.right != null) { root.right = root.right.right; return true; } else if(root.right.left != null && root.right.right == null) { root.right = root.right.left; return true; } } return remove(root.right, key2remove); } return false; } }
Вот основной метод:
public class BSTesterP6 { public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception { BSTreeP6<String> tree1 = new BSTreeP6<String>( args[0] ); System.out.format( "\ntree1: loaded from %s contains %d nodes on %d levels:\n", args[0], tree1.countNodes(), tree1.countLevels() ); System.out.print("IN ORDER tree1: "); tree1.printInOrder(); System.out.print("LEVEL ORDER tree1: "); tree1.printLevelOrder(); int[] levelCounts = tree1.calcLevelCounts(); System.out.println(); for (int i = 0 ; i<levelCounts.length; ++i ) System.out.format("level:%2d %d\n",i,levelCounts[i] ); // REMOVE SEVERAL NODES WHO HAVE 2 CHILDREN tree1.remove( "C" ); tree1.remove( "I" ); tree1.remove( "P" ); tree1.remove( "W" ); // ALL HAVE 2 CHILDREN System.out.format( "\ntree1: after removing C, I, P, W, contains %d nodes on %d levels:\n", tree1.countNodes(), tree1.countLevels() ); System.out.print("IN ORDER tree1: "); tree1.printInOrder(); System.out.print("LEVEL ORDER tree1: "); tree1.printLevelOrder(); levelCounts = tree1.calcLevelCounts(); System.out.println(); for (int i = 0 ; i<levelCounts.length; ++i ) System.out.format("level:%2d %d\n",i,levelCounts[i] ); // REMOVE SEVERAL lEAVES tree1.remove( "J" ); tree1.remove( "S" ); tree1.remove( "Z" ); // ALL ARE LEAVES System.out.format( "\ntree1: after removing J, S, Z, contains %d nodes on %d levels:\n", tree1.countNodes(), tree1.countLevels() ); System.out.print("IN ORDER tree1: "); tree1.printInOrder(); System.out.print("LEVEL ORDER tree1: "); tree1.printLevelOrder(); levelCounts = tree1.calcLevelCounts(); System.out.println(); for (int i = 0 ; i<levelCounts.length; ++i ) System.out.format("level:%2d %d\n",i,levelCounts[i] ); // REMOVE SEVERAL NODES WHICH HAVE EXACTLY ONE CHILD tree1.remove( "D" ); tree1.remove( "K" ); tree1.remove( "R" ); tree1.remove( "Y" ); // THESE HAVE EXACTLY 1 CHILD System.out.format( "\ntree1: after removing D, K, R, Y, contains %d nodes on %d levels:\n", tree1.countNodes(), tree1.countLevels() ); System.out.print("IN ORDER tree1: "); tree1.printInOrder(); System.out.print("LEVEL ORDER tree1: "); tree1.printLevelOrder(); levelCounts = tree1.calcLevelCounts(); System.out.println(); for (int i = 0 ; i<levelCounts.length; ++i ) System.out.format("level:%2d %d\n",i,levelCounts[i] ); System.out.println(); System.out.println( "Now attempting remove of A..Z"); String alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; for ( int i=0 ; i<alphabet.length() ; ++i ) { if ( tree1.remove(alphabet.charAt(i)+"") ) { System.out.format("\nremove(%c) successful: ", alphabet.charAt(i) ); tree1.printLevelOrder(); } else { System.out.format("\nremove(%c) failure: ", alphabet.charAt(i) ); tree1.printLevelOrder(); } } } }
Вот выходной файл
Что я уже пробовал:
I need help figuring it out.