Как я могу исправить заполнение моего нового tabcontrol?
Мне нужен был TabControl с CloseButton, я нашел несколько фрагментов и сделал их в соответствии с моими личными пожеланиями, например, множество вариантов и дизайн метро... Как уже упоминалось во многих потоках, tabpagecontrol не имеет рабочего свойства ItemSize или, по крайней мере, очень глючит, вместо этого вы должны использовать свойство padding, чтобы все было хорошо выровнено...
Теперь проблема заключается в следующем: когда я изменяю свойство TabPadding в своем исходном коде, все это будет отображаться так, как я хотел, но как только я изменю его в окне конструктора моей тестовой формы, все мои кнопки закрытия исчезнут... Они все еще находятся в коллекциях, но я не могу заставить их появиться снова. Вот мой код:
<pre>Public Class MetroTabControlEx Inherits MetroTabControl Private Declare Auto Function SetParent Lib "user32" (ByVal hWndChild As IntPtr, ByVal hWndNewParent As IntPtr) As IntPtr Protected CloseButtonCollection As New Dictionary(Of MetroTile, MetroTabPage) Protected HiddenButtonCollection As New Dictionary(Of MetroTile, MetroTabPage) Private _ShowOnTabs As Boolean = True Private _ShowOnAllTabs As Boolean = False Private _WithoutButtonTabs As Integer = 0 Private _TabPadding As Point = New Point(20, 30) Private _DefaultSize As Size = New Size(16, 16) Private _SelectedSize As Size = New Size(20,20) Private _UseTileImage As Boolean = True Private _ButtonImage As Image = My.Resources.CloseTab Private _ButtonText As String = "" Private _UseStyleColors As Boolean = False Private _ButtonStyleManager As MetroStyleManager = Nothing Private _ButtonStyle As MetroColorStyle = MetroColorStyle.Red Private _ButtonTheme As MetroThemeStyle = MetroThemeStyle.Default Private _UseCustomBackColor As Boolean = False Private _CustomBackColor As Color = Color.Transparent Private _UseCustomForeColor As Boolean = False Private _CustomForeColor As Color = Color.Black ' Buttons: Show <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Close buttons on each MetroTabPage")> _ Public Property ShowOnTabs() As Boolean Get Return _ShowOnTabs End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _ShowOnTabs = value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Show on All Tabs <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Close buttons on all MetroTabPage")> _ Public Property ShowOnAllTabs() As Boolean Get Return _ShowOnAllTabs End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _ShowOnAllTabs = value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("TabPages (0 - x) without Button")> _ Public Property WithoutButtonTabs() As Integer Get Return _WithoutButtonTabs End Get Set _WithoutButtonTabs = Value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Tab Padding <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Tab Padding")> _ Public Property TabPadding() As Point Get Return _TabPadding End Get Set(ByVal value As Point) _TabPadding = value ChangePadding() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Default Size <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Default Button Size")> _ Public Property DefaultSize() As Size Get Return _DefaultSize End Get Set(ByVal value As Size) _DefaultSize = value For Each btn In CloseButtonCollection.Keys btn.Size = _DefaultSize Next RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Selected Size <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Selected Tab Button Size")> _ Public Property SelectedSize() As Size Get Return _SelectedSize End Get Set(ByVal value As Size) _SelectedSize = value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Use Tile Image <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Use Tile Image")> _ Public Property UseTileImage() As Boolean Get Return _UseTileImage End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _UseTileImage = value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Tile Image <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Button Image")> _ Public Property ButtonImage() As Image Get Return _ButtonImage End Get Set(ByVal value As Image) _ButtonImage = value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Tile Text <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Button Text")> _ Public Property ButtonText() As String Get Return _ButtonText End Get Set(ByVal value As String) _ButtonText = value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Style Manager <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Button Style Manager")> _ Public Property ButtonStyleManager() As MetroStyleManager Get Return _ButtonStyleManager End Get Set(ByVal value As MetroStyleManager) _ButtonStyleManager = value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Use Style Colors <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Use Style Colors")> _ Public Property UseStyleColors() As Boolean Get Return _UseStyleColors End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _UseStyleColors = value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Metro Style <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Metro Style")> _ Public Property ButtonStyle() As MetroColorStyle Get Return _ButtonStyle End Get Set(ByVal value As MetroColorStyle) _ButtonStyle = value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Metro Theme <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Metro Theme")> _ Public Property ButtonTheme() As MetroThemeStyle Get Return _ButtonTheme End Get Set(ByVal value As MetroThemeStyle) _ButtonTheme = value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Use Custom BackColor <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Use Custom BackColor")> _ Public Property UseCustomBackColor() As Boolean Get Return _UseCustomBackColor End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _UseCustomBackColor = value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Cutsom BackColor <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Custom BackColor")> _ Public Property CustomBackColor() As Color Get Return _CustomBackColor End Get Set(ByVal value As Color) _CustomBackColor = value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Use Custom ForeColor <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Use Custom ForeColor")> _ Public Property UseCustomForeColor() As Boolean Get Return _UseCustomForeColor End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _UseCustomForeColor = value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property ' Buttons: Cutsom ForeColor <Browsable(True), DefaultValue(True), Category("Close Button"), Description("Custom ForeColor")> _ Public Property CustomForeColor() As Color Get Return _CustomForeColor End Get Set(ByVal value As Color) _CustomForeColor = value RePositionCloseButtons() End Set End Property Protected Overrides Sub OnCreateControl() MyBase.OnCreateControl() RePositionCloseButtons() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnControlAdded(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ControlEventArgs) MyBase.OnControlAdded(e) ChangePadding() Dim tp As MetroTabPage = DirectCast(e.Control, MetroTabPage) Dim tpIndex As Integer = Me.TabPages.IndexOf(tp) Dim btn As MetroTile = AddCloseButton(tp) btn.Size = New Size(_DefaultSize.Width, _DefaultSize.Height) Dim rect As Rectangle = Me.GetTabRect(tpIndex) btn.Location = New Point(rect.X + rect.Width - rect.Height - 1, rect.Y + 1) SetParent(btn.Handle, Me.Handle) AddHandler btn.Click, AddressOf OnCloseButtonClick CloseButtonCollection.Add(btn, tp) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnControlRemoved(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ControlEventArgs) Dim cbtn As MetroTile = CloseButtonOfTabPage(DirectCast(e.Control, MetroTabPage)) Dim hbtn As MetroTile = HiddenButtonOfTabPage(DirectCast(e.Control, MetroTabPage)) RemoveHandler cbtn.Click, AddressOf OnCloseButtonClick CloseButtonCollection.Remove(cbtn) If hbtn IsNot Nothing Then HiddenButtonCollection.Remove(hbtn) SetParent(cbtn.Handle, Nothing) cbtn.Dispose() MyBase.OnControlRemoved(e) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnLayout(ByVal levent As System.Windows.Forms.LayoutEventArgs) MyBase.OnLayout(levent) RePositionCloseButtons() End Sub Public Event CloseButtonClick As CancelEventHandler Protected Overridable Sub OnCloseButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) If Not DesignMode Then Dim btn As MetroTile = DirectCast(sender, MetroTile) Dim tp As MetroTabPage = CloseButtonCollection(btn) Dim ee As New CancelEventArgs RaiseEvent CloseButtonClick(sender, ee) If Not ee.Cancel Then TabPages.Remove(tp) RePositionCloseButtons() End If End If End Sub Protected Overridable Function AddCloseButton(ByVal tp As MetroTabPage) As MetroTile Dim closeButton As New MetroTile With closeButton ' Tile Image .UseTileImage = _UseTileImage .TileImage = _ButtonImage .TileImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter ' Text .Text = _ButtonText .TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft ' Coloring .StyleManager = _ButtonStyleManager .UseStyleColors = _UseStyleColors .Theme = _ButtonTheme .Style = _ButtonStyle .UseCustomBackColor = _UseCustomBackColor .BackColor = _CustomBackColor .UseCustomForeColor = _UseCustomForeColor .ForeColor = _CustomForeColor End With Return closeButton End Function Public Sub ChangePadding() If _TabPadding = New Point(0, 0) Then _TabPadding = New Point(_SelectedSize.Width, 3) Me.Padding = _TabPadding Me.Invalidate() End Sub Public Sub RePositionCloseButtons() For Each item In CloseButtonCollection RePositionCloseButtons(item.Value) Next End Sub Public Sub RePositionCloseButtons(ByVal tp As MetroTabPage) Dim btn As MetroTile = CloseButtonOfTabPage(tp) Dim tpIndex As Integer = Me.TabPages.IndexOf(tp) tp.Size = New Size(100, 10) If tpIndex <= _WithoutButtonTabs AndAlso Not _ShowOnAllTabs Then HideButton(tpIndex, True) If btn IsNot Nothing AndAlso tpIndex >= 0 Then Dim rect As Rectangle = Me.GetTabRect(tpIndex) If Me.SelectedTab Is tp Then With btn ' Tile Image .UseTileImage = _UseTileImage .TileImage = _ButtonImage .TileImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter ' Text .Text = _ButtonText .TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft ' Coloring .StyleManager = _ButtonStyleManager .UseStyleColors = _UseStyleColors .Theme = _ButtonTheme .Style = _ButtonStyle .UseCustomBackColor = _UseCustomBackColor .BackColor = _CustomBackColor .UseCustomForeColor = _UseCustomForeColor .ForeColor = _CustomForeColor .Size = New Size(_SelectedSize.Width, _SelectedSize.Height) .Location = New Point(rect.X + rect.Width - btn.Width, rect.Y + 1) End With Else With btn ' Tile Image .UseTileImage = _UseTileImage .TileImage = _ButtonImage .TileImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter ' Text .Text = _ButtonText .TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft ' Coloring .StyleManager = _ButtonStyleManager .UseStyleColors = _UseStyleColors .Theme = _ButtonTheme .Style = _ButtonStyle .UseCustomBackColor = _UseCustomBackColor .BackColor = _CustomBackColor .UseCustomForeColor = _UseCustomForeColor .ForeColor = _CustomForeColor .Size = New Size(_DefaultSize.Width, _DefaultSize.Height) .Location = New Point(rect.X + rect.Width - btn.Width, rect.Y + 1) End With End If If btn IsNot HiddenButtonOfTabPage(tp) btn.Visible = ShowOnTabs btn.BringToFront() End If End If End Sub Protected Function CloseButtonOfTabPage(ByVal tp As MetroTabPage) As MetroTile Return (From item In CloseButtonCollection Where item.Value Is tp Select item.Key).FirstOrDefault End Function
Что я уже пробовал:
Я попробовал пошевелить
вызов на другие мероприятия, и попытался использовать OnChangedPaddingEvent
чтобы кнопки снова появились, но ничего не получалось...
Maciej Los
- Когда я изменяю свойство TabPadding в своем исходном коде... все мои кнопки закрытия исчезают". это нормальное поведение пользовательских элементов управления. Вы должны заново построить/скомпилировать проект.
[no name]
Нет, происходит обратное: когда я изменяю его в исходном коде, он появляется правильно.
Когда я изменяю его в окне конструктора они исчезают