Как я могу изменить этот C++ на C
#include<stdio.h> #include<string> #include<iostream> using namespace std; const int SIZE = 6; // parse one equation void Equation(string line, double coefRow[], double& coefB, string& coefVal){ int len = int(line.length()); bool firstItem = true; int j=0, m=0; coefVal = " "; string eq = "", item=""; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){ // the case like +x or -x in the start of the line if (line[i] == '+' || line[i] == '-'){ if (isalpha(line[i + 1])){ coefVal += line[i + 1]; coefRow[j++] = (line[i] == '+') ? 1. : -1.; i++; continue; } } // the last coefficient and the coefficient after the sign "=" if (line[i] == '='){ coefRow[j++] = atof(item.c_str()); // the last coefficient item = ""; for (int l = i + 1; l < len; l++) item += line[l]; coefB = atof(item.c_str()); // the coefficient after the sign "=" break; } if (isalpha(line[i])){ if (firstItem){ // the case like x in the start of the line firstItem = false; coefRow[j++] = 1.; } else coefRow[j++] = atof(item.c_str()); // the coefficient after the sign "+" or "-" item = ""; m = 0; coefVal += line[i]; firstItem = false; continue; } // the case when the current symbol is not letter or sign (digit and decimal) if (m>8)cerr << "The maximum length of coefficients >8\n"; item += line[i]; m++; firstItem = false; } } //Recursive function for the determinant calculation double Determinant(double A[SIZE][SIZE], int size){ double res = 0; if (size == 2)return A[1][1]; // real matrix size =1 if (size == 3)return A[1][1] * A[2][2] - A[2][1] * A[1][2]; // real matrix size=2 // use the first column and the new matrix with size=size-1 int newSize = size - 1; double NewA[SIZE][SIZE]; for (int i = 1; i<size;> for (int j = 1; j < newSize; j++){ for (int k = 1; k < newSize; k++) if (k >= i) NewA[j][k] = A[j+ 1][k + 1]; else NewA[j][k] = A[j + 1][k ]; } int p = (i % 2) ? 1:-1; res += p * A[1][i] * Determinant(NewA, newSize); // recursive call function with smaler size } return res; } // Cramer's rule void Solve(double A[SIZE][SIZE], double b[SIZE], double sol[SIZE], int size){ double temp[SIZE][SIZE], det; //call function for the determinant calculation det = Determinant(A, size); for (int j = 1; j < size; j++){ //temp = A // copy A to temp for (int k = 1; k < size; k++) for (int l = 1; l < size; l++) temp[k][l] = A[k][l]; // replace column number j to new values (b) for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) temp[i][j] = b[i]; /* print for the program testing cout << "\ntemp: \n"; for (int k = 1; k < size; k++){ for (int l = 1; l < size; l++) cout << temp[k][l] << " "; cout << endl; } cout << "det(temp)=" << Determinant(temp, size) << endl; */ //the solution of the system sol[j] = Determinant(temp, size) / det; } } int main(){ // Tests for the program // string line[] = { "1578x+2345y+8452z=467", "6543x+2348y+9873z=7654", "4230x+6740y+5433z=4546" }; // size = 3 // string line[] = {"78x-45y+52z=7", "43x+48y-73z=54", "30x+40y+33z=46"}; // size = 3 // string line[] = {"50a+37b+c=-44.39", "43a+39b+c=-45.31", "52a+41b+c=-44.96"}; //size = 3 // string line[] = { "a+0b+0c=-44.39", "0a+b+0c=-45.31", "0a+0b+c=-44.96" }; //size = 3 // string line[] = {"2.25x+2.5y+4z+3t=0.5", "0.25x+42y+3.1z+0t=1.33", "4.2x+11y+0z+3t=1.5", "10x+3.2y+0z+2t=1"}; //size = 4 string row, coefVals; double coefRow[SIZE], coefB; int i, j, size; double det; double A[SIZE][SIZE], b[SIZE], sol[SIZE]; do{ cout << "Number of Input equations (minimum 1 ~ maximum 5): "; cin >> size; } while (size < 1 || size > 5); cout << "Please, enter the " << size++ << " equations \n" << "(Equations to be entered as strings, without spaces)\n"; for (i = 1; i < size; i++){ cin >> row; // //row=line[i - 1]; // for tests(instead input lines) Equation(row, coefRow, coefB, coefVals); for (j = 1; j < size; j++) A[i][j] = coefRow[j - 1]; b[i] = coefB; } cout << "\nA: \n"; for (i = 1; i < size; i++){ for (j = 1; j < size; j++) cout << A[i][j] << " "; cout << endl; } cout << "\nb: \n"; for (i = 1; i < size; i++) cout << b[i] << endl; cout << "\nVariables: \n"; for (i = 1; i < size; i++) cout << coefVals[i] << endl; cout << "\nDeterminant= "; det = Determinant(A, size); cout << det; if (det != 0){ Solve(A, b, sol, size); cout << "\nSolution: \n"; for (i = 1; i < size; i++) cout << sol[i] << endl; } else cout << "\nSystem has not solution "; cin.get(); cin.get(); return 0; }
Что я уже пробовал:
Это мой последний проект и я не мог изменить его на c это так сложно так что если кто нибудь может помочь
Richard MacCutchan
Кроме того, cout
и cin
звонит, это уже С.
В тот раз, когда профессор увидел его, он сказал, что это C++, и я хочу просто C
Richard MacCutchan
Вам был дан ответ ниже.
Я только что видел его большое спасибо