Как я могу изменить значение кнопки при нажатии?
In class I am making a tic tac toe game and have been stuck for 2 days trying to make the x's and o's appear and the assignment is due tomorrow! Here is the assignment sheet: COMPSCI20: Tic Tac Toe Assignment Create an HTML file as shown above. The HTML file should contain the following: a page title and link to a CSS file a header division (with an ID) that contains text a main division (with an ID) containing a 3x3 table of clickable buttons (with a class and each having IDs) a footer division (with an ID) containing text Title + Links Main + Table Header Footer Create a CSS file to style the content as shown above. The CSS file should contain the following: in the header division, define the font, background color, text alignment, and padding in the main division, define the background color and padding the buttons should have a defined height, width, font, background color, and border in the footer division, define the font, background color, text alignment and padding Create a JS file that contains two global variables: one to store the player turn (X or O) and one to store the winner. The JS file should also contain the following functions: a Start() function that sets the player turn to start as X and the winner to null a ChooseSquare() function that places the appropriate letter on the button clicked, disables the button clicked, and switches to other player’s turn a CheckWin() function that checks each possible winning combination and displays a message in the footer if a player has won
Что я уже пробовал:
`<script> var winner; var current; function Start() { current= "x"; } function ChooseSquare() { if (document.getElementById("button1").onclick) { document.getElementById("button1").value = "x"; document.getElementById("button1").disabled = true; current = "o"; } else if (document.getElementById("button2").onclick) { document.getElementById("button2").value = "x"; document.getElementById("button2").disabled = true; current = "o"; } else if (document.getElementById("button3").onclick) { document.getElementById("button3").value = "x"; document.getElementById("button3").disabled = true; current = "o"; } else if (document.getElementById("button4").onclick) { document.getElementById("button4").value = "x"; document.getElementById("button4").disabled = true; current = "o"; } else if (document.getElementById("button5").onclick) { document.getElementById("button5").value = "x"; document.getElementById("button5").disabled = true; current = "o"; } else if (document.getElementById("button6").onclick) { document.getElementById("button6").value = "x"; document.getElementById("button6").disabled = true; current = "o"; } else if (document.getElementById("button7").onclick) { document.getElementById("button7").value = "x"; document.getElementById("button7").disabled = true; current = "o"; } else if (document.getElementById("button8").onclick) { document.getElementById("button8").value = "x"; document.getElementById("button8").disabled = true; current = "o"; } else if (document.getElementById("button9").onclick) { document.getElementById("button9").value = "x"; document.getElementById("button9").disabled = true; current = "o"; } if (document.getElementById("button1").onclick) { document.getElementById("button1").value = "o"; document.getElementById("button1").disabled = true; current = "x"1; } else if (document.getElementById("button2").onclick) { document.getElementById("button2").value = "o"; document.getElementById("button2").disabled = true; current = "x"; } else if (document.getElementById("button3").onclick) { document.getElementById("button3").value = "o"; document.getElementById("button3").disabled = true; current = "x"; } else if (document.getElementById("button4").onclick) { document.getElementById("button4").value = "o"; document.getElementById("button4").disabled = true; current = "x"; } else if (document.getElementById("button5").onclick) { document.getElementById("button5").value = "x"; document.getElementById("button5").disabled = true; current = "x"; } else if (document.getElementById("button6").onclick) { document.getElementById("button6").value = "o"; document.getElementById("button6").disabled = true; current = "x"; } else if (document.getElementById("button7").onclick) { document.getElementById("button7").value = "o"; document.getElementById("button7").disabled = true; current = "x"; } else if (document.getElementById("button8").onclick) { document.getElementById("button8").value = "o"; document.getElementById("button8").disabled = true; current = "x"; } else if (document.getElementById("button9").onclick) { document.getElementById("button9").value = "o"; document.getElementById("button9").disabled = true; current = "x"; } } function CheckWin() { var one = document.getElementById("button1"); var two = document.getElementById("button2"); var three = document.getElementById("button3"); var four = document.getElementById("button4"); var five = document.getElementById("button5"); var six = document.getElementById("button6"); var seven = document.getElementById("button7"); var eight = document.getElementById("button8"); var nine = document.getElementById("button9"); //x wins if(one=="x" && two=="x" && three=="x") {window.alert("player1 has won")} if(one=="x" && four=="x" && seven=="x") {window.alert("player1 has won")} if(one=="x" && five=="x" && nine=="x") {window.alert("player1 has won")} if(two=="x" && five=="x" && eight=="x") {window.alert("player1 has won")} if(three=="x" && six=="x" && nine=="x") {window.alert("player1 has won")} if(three=="x" && five=="x" && seven=="x") {window.alert("player1 has won")} if(four=="x" && five =="x" && six=="x") {window.alert("player1 has won")} if(seven=="x" && nine=="x" && eight=="x") {window.alert("player1 has won")} //o wins if(one=="o" && two=="o" && three=="o") {window.alert("player2 has won")} if(one=="o" && four=="o" && seven=="o") {window.alert("player2 has won")} if(one=="o" && five=="o" && nine=="o") {window.alert("player2 has won")} if(two=="o" && five=="o" && eight=="o") {window.alert("player2 has won")} if(three=="o" && six=="o" && nine=="o") {window.alert("player2 has won")} if(three=="o" && five=="o" && seven=="o") {window.alert("player2 has won")} if(four=="o" && five =="o" && six=="o") {window.alert("player2 has won")} if(seven=="o" && nine=="o" && eight=="o") {window.alert("player2 has won")} } function reset() { one.value=" " one.disabled=false two.value=" " two.disabled=false two.value=" " three.disabled=false three.value=" " four.disabled=false four.value=" " five.disabled=false five.value=" " six.disabled=false six.value=" " seven.disabled=false seven.value=" " eight.disabled=false eight.value=" " nine.disabled=false nine.disabled=false } </script> <html> <head> <title> Tic Tac Toe </title> <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Acme|Playfair+Display&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body onload = "Start()"> <div id = "Header"> <h1> Tic Tac Toe </h1> </div> <div id = "Main"> <table> <tr> <td id="button1"> <input class="button"type="button"onclick ="ChooseSquare()"></td> <td id="button2"> <input class="button"type="button"onclick ="ChooseSquare()"></td> <td id="button3"> <input class="button"type="button"onclick ="ChooseSquare()"></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="button4"> <input class="button"type="button"onclick ="ChooseSquare()"></td> <td id="button5"> <input class="button"type="button"onclick ="ChooseSquare()"></td> <td id="button6"> <input class="button"type="button"onclick ="ChooseSquare()"></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="button7"> <input class="button"type="button"onClick ="ChooseSquare()"></td> <td id="button8"> <input class="button"type="button"onClick ="ChooseSquare()"></td> <td id="button9"> <input class="button"type="button"onClick ="ChooseSquare()"></td> </tr> </table> <input type="button" onClick='reset()' value="reset"> </div> <div id="Footer" > <p id = "foot"> Read to Play? Click on a square!</p> </div> </body> </html> <style> #Header { background-color:Red; color:white; text-align:center; font-family:Acme, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 5px; } #Main { margin-left:200px; margin-right:100px; padding:0px; background-color:white; } td { width:30px; height:70px; } #Footer { background-color:grey; text-align:center; color:white; font-family:"Playfair Display", "Times New Roman", serif; padding:0px; font-size:20px; } .button { height:100px; width:100px; background-color:purple; font-family:Acme, Arial, sans-serif; border-color:black; border-width:5px; color:white; font-size:20px; } </style>`
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