Как я могу написать систему на C++
System keeps track of drivers’ information such as driver license number, person name, birthdate and list of owned cars. Driver can own a maximum of 3 cars. - For each registered car, the system stores the car plate number, model, list of recorded fines and production year. - For each fine, system stores its value, street name, date and status (paid/not). - Traffic man detects the plate number and measures the speed of the passing car. If the car speed exceeds the road maximum speed, a violation is recorded with a specific fine. The fine equals double the difference between the car speed and the road maximum speed. - System can show the total amount of unpaid fines for a specific driver. - User can pay the fine for one of his cars and his record is updated accordingly. - Search is available for a specific car via its plate number or the owner name.
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