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Каков наилучший способ загрузки изображения с url-адреса в xamarin iOS?

I need to download Open street map tile for every panning and pinch zooming. I have used WebClient for downloading image from Uri. But I am getting “An HttpWebRequest was added to the connection group queue because the connection limit was reached and soon,I am getting System.Net.WebException in Xamarin iOS. But I am doing the same in Xamarin.Android, where images are downloaded comparatively better than the Xamarin iOS.

What I have tried:

WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
                byte[] imageBytes = null;
                Uri uri = new Uri("" + Scale.ToString() + "/" + i.ToString() + "/" + j.ToString() + ".png");
                imageBytes = await webClient.DownloadDataTaskAsync(uri);
                webClient= null;

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