Member 14729505 Ответов: 1

Labview - значение цвета пикселя HSV

 Im using Labview and im trying to get a single pixel color value of HSV starting on the x0 y0 coordinates from my picture, x1 y0, x2 y0, ... at the rows and then continue to columns. Where would i get the frequency of each color (0-255) on the whole picture at the table with one column for H => 0-255, S => 0-255 and V=> 0-255. But i need the frequency so i only need to add +1 everytime it appearce in there for each color to count it at the end (i need it for fuzzy later, to show my fruit has a good color and is ready to be harvested).
Could you please help me with that?

Что я уже пробовал:

Я много чего перепробовал. Но я застрял с созданием координат для простого пикселя и продолжаю работать с другими.

1 Ответов