Мой ASP.NET веб-приложение не использовало механизм http strict transport security (HSTS).
Hi My ASP.NET Web application did not make use of the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) mechanism. This could potentially expose users to Man in the Middle (MitM) attacks. When a web application uses HSTS, it specifies that users must connect using HTTPS and that communication should cease if there are any errors in the certificate chain. In this way, users are prevented from clicking through certificate errors or accessing the application over a compromised channel. How to implement HSTS How Can I Prevent exposing users to Man in the Middle (MitM) attacks?
Что я уже пробовал:
Попытался добавить HSTS в веб-приложение, установив заголовок "Strict-Transport-Security" во всех ответах сервера.