Несколько if else C++
This is my online test, it is talking about verdict in competitive programming. I am asking about how to get multiple outputs with the same "if-else" statement and how to turn the "T" into number of cases, so that if I enter 4 number of cases, it will allow me to give 4 different inputs and having also 4 outputs? Input The first row consist of number T (1≤ T ≤ 100) which shows how many are the test cases. For every case, it consist of 6 type of numbers, Wj,Wp,Mj,Mp,Jj,Jp ( 1 ≤ Wj,Wp,Mj,Mp,Jj,Jp ≤ 100) with each shows time limit, process time needed, memory limit, memory used, judge answer, participant answer. Output For every test case,"Case #X: Y", where X shows the case number and Y are as following: 1. If the process time are bigger than the time limit, print "TIME LIMIT EXCEEDED / TIMELIMIT". 2. Else if memory used are bigger than memory limit, print "MEMORY LIMIT EXCEEDED". 3. Else if judge answer ≠ participants answer, print "WRONG-ANSWER". 4. Else print "ACCEPTED / CORRECT". Sample Input: 4 10 5 10 10 1 1 5 10 5 10 0 1 10 5 5 10 1 1 10 10 10 10 1 2 Sample Output: Case #1: ACCEPTED / CORRECT Case #2: TIME LIMIT EXCEEDED / TIMELIMIT Case #3: MEMORY LIMIT EXCEEDED Case #4: WRONG-ANSWER
Что я уже пробовал:
#include <stdio.h> int main (){ int T,Wj,Wp,Mj,Mp,Jj,Jp; scanf ("%d",&T); scanf ("%d %d %d %d %d %d",&Wj,&Wp,&Mj,&Mp,&Jj,&Jp); if (Wp > Wj) { printf ("TIME LIMIT EXCEEDED / TIMELIMIT"); } else if (Mp > Mj) { printf ("MEMORY LIMIT EXCEEDED"); } else if (Jp!=Jj) { printf ("WRONG-ANSWER"); } else { printf ("ACCEPTED / CORRECT"); } return 0; }