Vasanthi Gunasekar Ответов: 2

Облачные вычисления

Как создать облачную среду с помощью 10 систем.


Я предполагаю, что это ничем не отличается от создания его с помощью 9 или 11 систем?

2 Ответов



Что такое 10 систем? Вы имеете в виду VS 2010? Ну, все, что вам нужно знать о Лазурь[^]



First, you need to acquire a cloud, and not just any cloud, but a Microsoft-certified cloud. Don't be fooled by clouds you see just floating by, unencumbered by mere mortals. You're looking for a higher tech kind of cloud utilizing the latest in adherant water vapor technology. Personally, i would stay away from anything using a Cumulous implementation, unless you are willing to deal with the storm of torrential defects. Sure, they're fast as lightning, but their convective air current cooling systems are like tornados. Fortunately, all of the technicians are fairly gorgeous women, and I know one in particular that like sit rough, especially when you give her a cane. One thing to watch out for is the flood of tech support calls you'll probably get. Just when you think it's water under the bridge, you realize the thunder of angry users is just startng.