Один пробел добавляется в конце при вставке данных в БД?
While inserting data into a table using .Net entity framework stored procedure call a white space is appending at the end. this issue is with two columns only. where both the columns are having a Foreign Key to different tables (the tables will have allowable values (constants)). FYI. 1. column 1 is defined as varchar(6) and column 2 is defined varchar (3) in sql DB. 2. but the foreign key table 1 is having data with max length is 4, table 2 is having data with max length is 3. 3. in EDMX file below code is available a) <Function Name="spInsertdetails" Aggregate="false" BuiltIn="false" NiladicFunction="false" IsComposable="false" ParameterTypeSemantics="AllowImplicitConversion" Schema="dbo"> <Parameter Name="column1" Type="char" Mode="In" /> <Parameter Name="column2" Type="char" Mode="In" /> b) <FunctionImport Name="spInsertdetails" ReturnType="Collection(TestDBModel.spInsertdetails_Result)"> <Parameter Name="column1" Mode="In" Type="String" /> <Parameter Name="column2" Mode="In" Type="String" /> Please let me know if any further details required.
Что я уже пробовал:
in 3.a) i have tried changing the char to varchar but the issue still present.