Ошибка преобразования в тип varchar значение 'эксп. До apr' до типа данных int.
<pre>(SELECT distinct g.*, 'Exp. Upto ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), DATEADD (MONTH , -1 ,(CONVERT(varchar(11),'05/01/2018',101))),109) AS 'upto_pretitle', --cast(A.my_NvarcharColumn as INT) 'Exp. During ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), (CONVERT(DATETIME,'05/01/2018',101)),109) AS 'during_monthtitle',isnull(Null,0) as upto_preamt ,isnull(Null,0) as during_monthamt from (SELECT e.* FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ddocode,majorheadcode ,submajorheadcode,minorheadcode,subheadcode,detailedhead, soecode, CASE WHEN subsoecode = '00' THEN '' ELSE subsoecode END AS subsoe FROM enggbud where amount>0 and finyr='2018-2019' and level='02' ) e inner join (select abc.circle,abc.div_ddocd,abc.div_nm,efg.cir_ddocd,efg.circlenm from (select circle,ddo_cd as div_ddocd,division,nm as div_nm from orgn_stru where ddo_cd is not null and division is not null group by circle,ddo_cd,division,nm)abc left join (SELECT DISTINCT ddocode AS cir_ddocd,ddoname as circlenm,circle from ddomaster WHERE ddocode is not null )efg ON abc.circle=efg.circle) f ON e.ddocode=f.div_ddocd ) g inner join budhead_mas ON g.majorheadcode=budhead_mas.MAJOR and g.submajorheadcode=budhead_mas.SUB_MAJOR and g.minorheadcode=budhead_mas.MINOR and g.subheadcode=budhead_mas.SUB_HEAD and g.detailedhead=budhead_mas.DET_HEAD and g.soecode=budhead_mas.OBJ_CD) union all SELECT ddo_cd as ddocode,major as majorheadcode,sub_major submajorheadcode,minor minorheadcode,sub_head subheadcode,detailed_head as detailedhead,oc as soecode,soc subsoe, SUM(CASE WHEN passingDate >= '04/01/2018' and passingDate < '05/01/2018' and status='P' THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS upto_preamt, SUM(CASE WHEN passingDate >= '05/01/2018' and passingDate < '06/01/2018' and status='P' THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS during_monthamt, cast(NULL as varchar(50)) as upto_pretitle, cast(NULL as varchar(50)) as during_monthtitle FROM vExpendivision WHERE status='P' group by major,sub_major,minor,sub_head,detailed_head,oc,soc,ddo_cd
Что я уже пробовал:
я хочу попробовать объединить данные из двух запросов через union all