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Ошибка при разборе XML-файла с помощью tinyxml2

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I want to parse XML file using tinyxml2. (referring in that 1.I create new project----->copy +paste the code present in testXML file--->add tinyxml2.h & tinyxml2.cpp file by add exiting item.

then I got two errors: 1 unresolved externals -->then I do setting: property->linker->system->subsystem->not set. (error gets resolved) 2. LNK1561: entry point must be defined --> which is unresolved one

2.I read some where, to fix error unresolved external we have to set path in property->linker->subsystem->console(cause we create win32 console application while creating new project).After doing this stuff I am getting two new errors as follows: 1. LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
2. LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup which I am not able to solve. Could you please help me out from this?? Basically I am bit confused, which path should I follow (as mentioned above): means 1 or 2???

Что я уже пробовал:

хотите заменить мой XML-файл на месте dream.xml
инт example_1()
XMLDocument doc;

верните док.ErrorID();

Suvendu Shekhar Giri

В другой записке,

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Это скопировано откуда-то еще или из старого сообщения в codeproject?

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