mitch_nitro_ Ответов: 1

Ошибка синтаксического анализа: синтаксическая ошибка, неожиданный конец файла в C:\xampp\htdocs\kk\admin\analytics.php на линии 760


if(isset($_GET['type']) && isset($_GET['year']))
	$typetype = $_GET['type'];
	if($typetype == "dl")
		$typetype1 = "download";
		$typetype1 = $typetype;
	header("location: index.php");
		$idid = $_GET['arch_id'];
		$hello = "&arch_id=$idid";
		$hello = "";

	$year = $_GET['year'];
	$to = "$year-01-01";
	$onta = date("Y", strtotime($to));
		$query = mysql_query("SELECT arch_id,arch_name FROM archive WHERE arch_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT arch_id FROM issue WHERE pub ='1')ORDER BY arch_name");
		if($_GET['arch_id'] != "All")
			$query = mysql_query("SELECT arch_id FROM archive WHERE arch_id ='$idid' ORDER BY arch_name");
			$query = mysql_query("SELECT arch_id FROM archive WHERE arch_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT arch_id FROM issue WHERE pub ='1')ORDER BY arch_name");
	$list = "";
	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
		$list .= $row['arch_id'].",";
	$list = substr($list,0,-1);


<title>ADMIN | Analytics

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<!-- start top_js_button -->

		jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
	.styled-select.slate {
	   background: url(../img/arrow.jpg) no-repeat right center;
	   height: 47px;

		if(isset($_GET['arch_id']) && $_GET['arch_id'] != "All")
			{//open to
			var chart;
			var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("linegraph",
					"type": "serial",
					 /* "colors": ['#FF6600', '#FCD202', '#B0DE09', '#0D8ECF', '#2A0CD0', '#CD0D74', '#CC0000', '#00CC00', '#0000CC', '#DDDDDD', '#999999', '#333333', '#990000'], */
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						"minPeriod": "MM",
						"parseDates": true
					"chartCursor": {
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						"categoryBalloonDateFormat": "MMM YYYY"
					"export": {
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						"scrollbarHeight": 30,
						"color": "#000000",
						"autoGridCount": true,
					"trendLines": [],
					"graphs": [
					$query6 = mysql_query("SELECT arch_name FROM archive WHERE arch_id='$idid'");
					while($row6 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query6))
						$dbarch_name = $row6['arch_name'];
							"bullet": "round",
							"id": "AmGraph-'.$idid.'",
							"title": "'.$dbarch_name.'",
							"valueField": "'.$dbarch_name.'"
					"guides": [],
					"valueAxes": [
							"id": "ValueAxis-1",
							"title": "&lt;?php echo $typetype1; ?> Count"
					"allLabels": [],
					"balloon": {},
					"legend": {
						"useGraphSettings": true
					"titles": [
							"id": "Title-1",
							"size": 15,
							"text": "Journal &lt;?php echo ucfirst($typetype1); ?> Report (&lt;?php echo date("Y",strtotime($to)); ?>)"
					"dataProvider": [
						$ttutal = "0";
							if($z &lt;10)
								$jeff = "0".$z;
								$jeff = $z;
							if($typetype == "hits")
								$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT (SUM(arch_id_count) + SUM(iis_count) + SUM(artid_count)) as 'Total' FROM count WHERE arch_id='$idid' AND treg LIKE '$year-$jeff%'");
							elseif($typetype == "dl")
								$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(dl) as 'Total' FROM count WHERE arch_id='$idid' AND treg LIKE '$year-$jeff%'");
							elseif($typetype == "read")
								$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(view) as 'Total' FROM count WHERE arch_id='$idid' AND treg LIKE '$year-$jeff%'");
							$num1 = mysql_num_rows($query1);
							$row1 = mysql_fetch_array($query1);
							$tutal1 = $row1['Total'];
							if($tutal1 != NULL && $tutal1 != "0")
								"date": "'.$year.'-'.$jeff.'",
								"'.$dbarch_name.'": '.$tutal1.',
							$ttutal = $ttutal + $tutal1;
					"type": "pie",
					"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
					"labelsEnabled": false,
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                    "sequencedAnimation" : true,
                    "startEffect" : "elastic",
                    "innerRadius" : "30%",
                    "startDuration" : 2,
					/* "labelRadius" : -30,
					"labelText" : "[[percents]]%", */
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					"angle" : 15,
					"export": {
						"enabled": true
					"marginRight": 0,
					/* "balloonText": "[[title]]<br><span style='font-size:14px'><b>[[value]]</b> ([[percents]]%)</span>", */
					"outlineThickness": 9,
					"titleField": "Country",
					"valueField": "Hits",
					"theme": "none",
					/* "colors": ['#FF6600', '#FCD202', '#B0DE09', '#0D8ECF', '#2A0CD0', '#CD0D74', '#CC0000', '#00CC00', '#0000CC', '#DDDDDD', '#999999', '#333333', '#990000'], */
					"balloon": {},
					"titles": [
							"id": "Title-1",
							"size": 15,
							"text": "Country &lt;?php echo ucfirst($typetype1); ?> Overview (&lt;?php echo $year; ?>)"
					"legend": {
						"markerType": "circle",
						"position": "bottom",
						"marginRight": 80,
						"autoMargins": true
					"dataProvider": [
					$tbilang = "0";
					$query8 = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT country_code FROM count");
					$num8 = mysql_num_rows($query8);
					while($row8 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query8))
						$country_code = $row8['country_code'];
						$query9 = mysql_query("SELECT country_name FROM countries WHERE country_code = '$country_code'");
						$num9 = mysql_num_rows($query9);
						if($num9 == "")
							$country_name =  "Unknown";
							while($row9 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query9))
								$country_name = $row9['country_name'];
						//echo $country_name;
						$bilang = "0";
						$bilang1 = "0";
						$bilang2 = "0";
						$query10 = mysql_query("SELECT arch_id_count,iis_count,artid_count,dl,view FROM count WHERE arch_id IN ($list) AND country_code = '$country_code' AND treg LIKE '$year%'");
						while($row10 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query10))
							if($typetype == "hits")
								$arch_id_count = $row10['arch_id_count'];
								$iis_count = $row10['iis_count'];
								$artid_count = $row10['artid_count'];
								$bilang = $bilang + $arch_id_count + $iis_count + $artid_count;
							elseif($typetype == "dl")
								$dl = $row10['dl'];
								$bilang = $bilang + $dl;
							elseif($typetype == "read")
								$view = $row10['view'];
								$bilang = $bilang + $view;
						if($bilang != "0")
								"Country": "'.$country_name.'",
								"Hits": '.$bilang.',
						$tbilang = $tbilang + $bilang;

<?php include("include/header.php"); ?>
<div class="top-nav">
	    	    <a href="#" id="w3-menu-trigger"> </a>
	                  <ul class="nav-list">
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<?php include("include/link1.php"); ?>
<div class="main_bg">
<div class="wrap">
<div class="contact-form">
 <div class="grids_of_3">
	<div class="grid1_of_3">
	<h3><?php echo ucfirst($typetype1); ?> Report</h3>
 <div class="contact-form">
 <div class="grids_of_4">
	<div class="grid4_of_4">
		<div class="grid1_of_4">	
			<div class="jeff">
						$query11 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM archive WHERE arch_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT arch_id FROM issue WHERE pub ='1')  ORDER BY arch_name");
						while($row11 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query11))
							$archid = $row11['arch_id'];
							$archname = $row11['arch_name'];
				<div class="grid1_of_4">
<div class="clear"></div>
if(isset($_GET['arch_id']) && $_GET['arch_id'] != "All")
	$query21 = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(year) as taon FROM issue WHERE arch_id = '$idid' ORDER BY year LIMIT 1");
	$row21 = mysql_fetch_array($query21);
	$taon = $row21['taon'];
	$taon = $onta - $taon;
	$myauthorlist = "";
	$tcount_cite = "0";
	$myartidlist = "";
	$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM article WHERE iis IN (SELECT DISTINCT iis FROM issue WHERE arch_id = '$idid' AND year <= '$to')");
	$num1 = mysql_num_rows($query1);
	if($num1 != "0")
		while($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query1))
			$myauthor = $row1['author'];
			$myartidlist .= $row1['artid'].",";
			if($myauthor != "" || $myauthor != NULL)
				$myauthorlist .= $myauthor.",";
		$myauthorlist = substr($myauthorlist,0,-1);
		$myartidlist = substr($myartidlist,0,-1);
		$query2 = mysql_query("SELECT cite_count FROM cited WHERE artid IN ($myartidlist)");
		$num2 = mysql_num_rows($query2);
		if($num2 != "0")
			while($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2))
				$cite_count = $row2['cite_count'];
				$tcount_cite = $tcount_cite + $cite_count;
		$query19 = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT aid FROM author WHERE aid IN ($myauthorlist)");
		$num19 = mysql_num_rows($query19);
		$query20 = mysql_query("SELECT article.artid, article.iis, SUM( cited.cite_count ) AS jeff FROM article LEFT JOIN cited ON ( article.artid = cited.artid ) WHERE article.artid IN ($myartidlist) GROUP BY article.artid, cited.artid ORDER BY jeff DESC");
		$num20 = mysql_num_rows($query20);
		$query21 = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT artid FROM article WHERE artid IN ($myartidlist)");
		$num21 = mysql_num_rows($query21);
		$ouchouch = "0";
		$tabatsoy = "1";
		$tabatsoy1 = "1";
		$citeyeart = 0;
		$cabs = "0";
		$taba = "0";
		while($row20 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query20))
			$ouch = $row20['jeff'];
			$iis = $row20['iis'];
			$query22 = mysql_query("SELECT YEAR(year) as bagong FROM issue WHERE iis = '$iis'");
			$row22 = mysql_fetch_array($query22);
			$year1 = $row22['bagong'];
			$citeyear = "0";
			if($ouch == NULL)
				$ouch = "0";
			$ouchouch = $ouchouch + $ouch;
			if($ouch == "0")
				$citeyear = "0";
				$citeyear = $ouch/$year1;
			$year1 = $onta - $year1;
			$cabs = $cabs + $ouch;
			$citeyeart = $citeyeart + $citeyear ;
			$tabatsoy2 = $tabatsoy1 * $tabatsoy1;
			$taba = "";
			if($tcount_cite != "0")
			if($cabs >= $tabatsoy2)
				$tabaoink = $tabatsoy1;
			if($tabatsoy <= $ouch)
		$tabatsoy = $tabatsoy - 1;
		$citeyeart = $citeyeart/$tabatsoy1;
		if($ouchouch == "0")
			$tabaoink = "0";
		<div class="grids_of_3">
			<div class="grid1_of_3">
				<h3>Journal Impact</h3>
		<div class="grids_of_4">
			<div class="grid4_of_4">
				<table><tbody><tr><td>Papers</td><td><?php echo $num21; ?></td><td>Cites/Paper</td><td><?php printf ("%6.2f",$ouchouch/$num21); ?></td><td>Cites/Auth/Year</td><td><?php printf ("%6.3f",$ouchouch/$num19/$taon); ?></td></tr><tr><td>Citations</td><td><?php echo $ouchouch; ?></td><td>Cites/Author</td><td><?php printf ("%6.2f",$ouchouch/$num19); ?></td><td>h-index</td><td><?php printf ($tabatsoy); //echo $num2/$num5; ?></td></tr><tr><td>Year(s)</td><td><?php echo $taon; ?></td><td>Papers/Author</td><td><?php printf ("%6.2f",$num21/$num19); ?></td><td>g-index</td><td><?php echo $tabaoink; //echo $tcount_cite/$taon; ?></td></tr><tr><td>Cite/Year</td><td><?php printf ("%6.2f",$ouchouch/$taon); ?></td><td>Authors/Papers</td><td><?php printf ("%6.2f",$num19/$num21); ?></td><td>hI,annual</td><td><?php printf ("%6.2f",$citeyeart); ?></td></tr></tbody></table>
<div class="contact-form">
<div class="grids_of_3">
<div class="grids3_of_3">
			display: block;
			overflow: auto;
			width: 100%;
		position: absolute;
	/* $mlist = ""; */
			$month = "0".$x;
			$month = $x;
		$date = "$year-$month";
		/* $mlist .= "$date,"; */
		$myear = date("M", strtotime($date."-01"));
	/* $mlist = substr($mlist,0,-1);
	$mlist = explode(",",$mlist); */
		$query = mysql_query("SELECT arch_id,arch_name FROM archive WHERE arch_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT arch_id FROM issue WHERE pub ='1')ORDER BY arch_name");
		if($_GET['arch_id'] != "All")
			$query = mysql_query("SELECT arch_id,arch_name FROM archive WHERE arch_id ='$idid' ORDER BY arch_name");
			$query = mysql_query("SELECT arch_id,arch_name FROM archive WHERE arch_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT arch_id FROM issue WHERE pub ='1')ORDER BY arch_name");
	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
		$arch_name = $row['arch_name'];
		$arch_id = $row['arch_id'];
			$totaltotal = 0;
				if($z <10)
					$jeff = "0".$z;
					$jeff = $z;
				if($typetype == "hits")
					$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT (SUM(arch_id_count) + SUM(iis_count) + SUM(artid_count)) as 'Total' FROM count WHERE arch_id='$arch_id' AND treg LIKE '$year-$jeff%'");
				elseif($typetype == "dl")
					$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(dl) as 'Total' FROM count WHERE arch_id='$arch_id' AND treg LIKE '$year-$jeff%'");
				elseif($typetype == "read")
					$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(view) as 'Total' FROM count WHERE arch_id='$arch_id' AND treg LIKE '$year-$jeff%'");
				$row1 = mysql_fetch_array($query1);
				$total = $row1['Total'];
				if($total == NULL)
					$total = 0;
					$tutal[$z] = $total;
					$tutal[$z] = $tutal[$z] + $total;
				$totaltotal = $totaltotal + $total;
				//$num1 = mysql_num_rows($query1);
				echo "";
				$jeff1 = count($tutal);
		if($totaltotal != "0")
			if($_GET['arch_id'] != "All")
				$artid_list = "";
				if($typetype == "dl")
				$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT artid FROM count WHERE arch_id IN (SELECT arch_id FROM issue WHERE arch_id='$arch_id' AND pub='1') AND dl!='0' AND treg LIKE '$year%'");
				$num1 = mysql_num_rows($query1);
				elseif($typetype == "read")
				$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT artid FROM count WHERE arch_id IN (SELECT arch_id FROM issue WHERE arch_id='$arch_id' AND pub='1') AND view!='0' AND treg LIKE '$year%'");
				$num1 = mysql_num_rows($query1);
					$num1 = "0";
		if($num1 != "0")
			while($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query1))
					$artid_list .= $row1['artid'].",";
			$artid_list1 = "";
			$artid_list = substr($artid_list,0,-1);
			$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM article WHERE artid IN ($artid_list) ORDER BY art_name");
			while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
				$artid_list1 .= $row['artid'].",";
			$artid_list1 = substr($artid_list1,0,-1);
			$artid_list = explode(",",$artid_list1);
			foreach($artid_list as $art_id)
				$query3 = mysql_query("SELECT art_name FROM article WHERE artid='$art_id'");
				$row3 = mysql_fetch_array($query3);
				$artname = $row3['art_name'];
				$totaltotal = 0;
					if($z <10)
						$jeff = "0".$z;
						$jeff = $z;
			if($typetype == "dl")
				$query2 = mysql_query("SELECT artid,SUM(dl) as 'Total' FROM count WHERE artid ='$art_id' AND treg LIKE '$year-$jeff%'");
			elseif($typetype == "read")
				$query2 = mysql_query("SELECT artid,SUM(view) as 'Total' FROM count WHERE artid ='$art_id' AND treg LIKE '$year-$jeff%'");
				$row2 = mysql_fetch_array($query2);
				$total = $row2['Total'];
				if($total == NULL)
					$total = 0;
					$tatol[$z] = $total;
					$tatol[$z] = $tatol[$z] + $total;
				$totaltotal = $totaltotal + $total;
				echo "";
				echo "";
		$totaltotal1 = "0";
			$oink = $tutal[$z];
			$totaltotal1 = $totaltotal1 + $oink;
	<table class="jeffrey"><thead><tr><td style="font-weight: bold">Journals <?php echo ucfirst($typetype1);?> (<?php echo $year; ?>)</td><th>$myear</th><th>TOTAL</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td style="font-weight: bold"><?php echo $arch_name; ?></td><td>$total</td><th>$totaltotal</th></tr><tr><td>$artname</td><td>$total</td><th>$totaltotal</th></tr><tr><td style="font-weight: bold">TOTAL</td><th>$oink</th><th style="color: red; font-weight: bolder">$totaltotal1</th></tr></tbody></table>
if(isset($_GET['arch_id']) && $_GET['arch_id'] != "All")
	if($ttutal != "0")
	<div class="grids_of_4">
		<div class="grid4_of_4">
			<div id="linegraph" style="width: 100%; height: 800px; background-color: #FFFFFF"></div> 
if($tbilang != "0")
<div class="contact-form">
	<div class="grid4_of_4">
		<div id="piegraph" style="width: 100%; height: 800px; background-color: #FFFFFF"></div>
<?php include("include/footer.php"); ?>

Что я уже пробовал:

я попробовал добавить закрытый бракет и парентезис, но ничего не получилось.

Mohibur Rashid

какой текстовый процессор вы используете?

Patrice T

И мы должны считать 760 строк, чтобы знать, где ошибка ?

Jochen Arndt

Я отформатировал код так, чтобы его можно было лучше прочитать.

Проверьте правильность отступа. Тогда вы можете обнаружить отсутствующие или дополнительные скобки.

Используйте редактор, который позволяет свернуть блоки и / или выделить соответствующие скобки. Это облегчает поиск ошибок souch.


ошибка говорит о конце html-тега. но я не знаю почему

1 Ответов


Jochen Arndt

У меня было некоторое время, чтобы скопировать и вставить код в Редактор, который способен выделить соответствующие фигурные скобки, и я нашел здесь дополнительную закрывающую фигуру (конец var chart = AmCharts.makeChart блок):

    } // <- This has no matching opening brace

Как уже было сказано в качестве комментария, я предлагаю использовать редактор типа Notepad++, который может выделять соответствующие скобки. При установке курсора на последнюю скобку из приведенного выше фрагмента кода (скобка кода PHP) не будет совпадающей открывающей скобки. Установка курсора на скобку выше будет соответствовать PHP if (isset()) условие, указывающее, что это должно быть удалено.

Я предлагаю также использовать строгий отступ. Тогда последовательные скобки на одном и том же уровне также указывают на такие ошибки.

Другой совет заключается в разделении больших блоков кода на более мелкие, перемещая части кода в функции, которые также могут храниться в отдельных файлах сценариев.

Есть и еще одна ошибка:
Закрытие </title> бирка отсутствует.


Привет! Йохен Арндт,

я попробовал ваш путь, но он, кажется, показывает мне ту же ошибку. и я не знаю почему

Jochen Arndt

Ваш код довольно длинный, и, похоже, ошибок больше.

Если вы последуете моим советам, то сможете их найти.

Это ваша работа. Большинство здесь даже не взглянет на такой большой код.

Последний совет:
Копируйте и вставляйте блоки кода в новые файлы и выполняйте их, игнорируя другие ошибки, кроме ошибок синтаксического анализа. Это должно помочь найти блок с несовпадающими фигурными скобками.